I have the following circuit which works just fine with my standard, non-SMD, ATTiny85.
However when I try it with my SMD version (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000453766360.htm), nothing appears to be working. I have a batch of 5 of them, having tried two but neither work.
I am programming it with my usual ATTiny85 shield, using a SOIC8 SOP8 to DIP8 Programmer Adapter Socket (SOIC8 SOP8 to DIP8 Programmer Adapter Socket Converter 200mil Wide Chip|Integrated Circuits| - AliExpress). The code appears to upload successfully.
I have tested continuity on the adapter and confirmed that all is in order on that font. Before I try ordering more original ATTiny85 SMDs from another supplier, I am just wondering if anyone is seeing something that I might be overlooking?