Change from ESP8266 to ESP32 Wroom


I have developed a prototype on a ESP8266 board. Now I need to change board because I need more inputs/outputs.

The board I'm setting up is an [ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4] more pins and memory and also easier to setup power saving.

Can you help me to find best GPIO's for my new card?
Also, if you find my usage of GPIO's wrong or challenging give me a heads up?

(ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4 Espressif Systems | RF/IF and RFID | DigiKey)

My pin layout that is working is marked WORKING SETUP
The yellow fields 'NEW SETUP' are the values I struggle to find, marked P Q R S T U V W X Y

Thanks up front!


found on this site under document and media

Hi @StefanL38

I have the data sheet. My problem is to interpret it. Ie. MOSI is not mentioned in datasheet.

Also witch gpios are best, or which should I not use for my input/output sensors?

I have:
4 swithches (read relays NO)
DHT20 i2c
2x DS18B20 temp sensor
Relay alarm output

I also going to add a USB interface (USB C)

So even if I have the datasheets I struggle to make a optimized mapping.

So I ask again, what to choose, for the yellow boxes :slight_smile:


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