Change IP and PORT ENC28J60 Network Module 8-Channel v 2.0


I'm a novice. I tried to change IP and PORT but I can not. "" Modify IP:
https: // IP / Port / 41: When modify IP, the Relay-01 must not be 0, Relay-01 ~ 04 all can not be greater than 255.Port can not be 0. "
Who has solved this problem, please explain to me how it works. (I set the Relay 01 to 1, but the others? I tried all the combinations but it does not work)

Did you try accessing it from your browser?

Default IP Port:30000

To enter the control interface: .

Did you check you relay status, prior to modifing the IP?
http://IP/Port/99 : Feedback current I/O status by 16 ACSII . MSB is for the first bit.and LSB for 16th bit.
E.g : Return 1111000011110000 It is means Relay 1-4 is ON,Relay 5-8 is OFF,Relay 9-12 is ON,Relay 13-16 is OFF.

Modify IP
http://IP/Port/41 : When modify IP,the Relay-01 must not be 0, Relay-01~04 all can not be greater than 255.Port can not be 0.

how is this an arduino question btw?

  1. I set the Relay 01 = 1 logic
  2. We tried all combinations: 1001 0000, 1010 0000, 1011 0000, 1100 0000, 1101 0000, 1110 0000, 1111 0000. (MSB = Relay 1, LSB = Relay 8 ).
  3. I used a browser, I wrote and I wrote an IP and a PORT between 20000 and 40000.
  4. Result? nothing. Do not change either IP or PORT.
  5. If anyone has made this change, explain how he did it.