As the title says, anyone know if there is a way to change IRremote's default transmit pin(pin 3) to something else?
I have a Nano that i need to wake up from it's sleep using interrupt(just to change a bool). But i need both interupt pins, pin 2 and pin 3. But since i have an IR led on pin 3 i can't use that one.
I have 2 buttons that i need to wake it up from, and can't connect them both to 1 pin.
Anyone have any tips?
Why can't you attach 2 buttons to 1 pin? It should be simple!
Because then there would be a false button press from the other button. Button A is connected to pin 10 to do something, button B is connected to pin 11. If i connect button A to pin 10 and 2, i can't connect button B to pin 2, because then it would be connected to pin 10, 11 and 2. If that makes any sense
As the title says, anyone know if there is a way to change IRremote's default transmit pin(pin 3) to something else?
No. It is necessary to use that pin because of the timer involved.
Diodes are the answer to connecting multiple things to pin 2 and 10 and 11.
Does diodes help in one-way connections?
I just found out through google.
Thanks for the replies! I feared it had something to do with the Timer
Why do the buttons need to be on interrupt pins?
If you absolutely need a interrupt, use the PinChangeInterrupt lib.