I have a snowflakes script that will basically light and dim the leds at random in a certain interval, the led's will only light in white and i want to be able to change the color. I tried editing a couple sections of the code to input for example the color red(255,0,0) but the color would not change. Any suggestions on where i need modify it, thanks.
bool Snowflakes(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait)
// variables that will be remembered between successive calls
// start time for delay
static unsigned long startTime;
// indication if Rainbow is in progress
static bool inProgress = false;
// if Rainbow is not yet in progress
if (inProgress == false)
// indicate that it's in progress
inProgress = true;
// set the start time (for delay)
startTime = millis();
// if a 'delay' period has lapsed
if (millis() - startTime >= wait)
// Setup the pixel array
int pixel[PIXEL_COUNT];
for(int p=0; p<PIXEL_COUNT; p++){
pixel[p] = random(0,255);
// Run some snowflake cycles
for (int j=0; j<200; j++) {
// Every five cycles, light a new pixel
// Dim all pixels by 10
for(int p=0; p<PIXEL_COUNT; p++){
strip.setPixelColor(p, pixel[p],pixel[p],pixel[p] );
pixel[p] = pixel[p] - 10;
// 'reset' the start time for the delay
startTime = millis();
// next time that 'delay' has lapsed, use next pixel
// if all pixels done
if(pixNum == strip.numPixels())
// color wipe finished
inProgress = false;
// indicate the status to caller
return inProgress;
would help to have the complete code and wiring diagram.
pixel[p] = random(0, 255);
You initialize each pixel to a value from 0 to 254.
// Dim all pixels by 10
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
strip.setPixelColor(p, pixel[p], pixel[p], pixel[p] );
pixel[p] = pixel[p] - 10;
You use the same value for Red, Green, and Blue so that explains why your pixels are all white. If you want different colors, you could make 'pixel' an array of colors instead of an array of integers. Initialize the Red Green and Blue parts of each pixel to different values. Dim the three parts of the pixel separately.
Here is the full code.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
SoftwareSerial BT(10, 11);
#define PIXEL_PIN 6 // Data Pin of Led strip
#define PIXEL_COUNT 60 // Number of LEDs in the strip
#define BRIGHTNESS 100 // use 96 for medium brightness
#define SPEED 0 // Speed of each Color Transition (in ms)
#define IMMEDIATELY 0 // Transition happen instantly
#define RAINBOW_SPEED 100 // Rainbow Transition speed
#define WIPE_SPEED 2 // Sweep animation delay.
// number of pixel to change
byte pixNum;
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
enum MODE
void setup() {
BT.println("Connected to Arduino");
char a;
void loop()
if (BT.available())
char a = (char)BT.read();
switch (a)
case '&':
mode = RedSnowflake;
case '*':
mode = GreenSnowflake;
case '(':
mode = BlueSnowflake;
case ')':
mode = PurpleSnowflake;
// other cases here
switch (mode)
case INITIAL: if(strip.Color(0, 0, 255) == false)
// done with colour wipe
Serial.println("colorWipeNonBlock finished");
// reset pixNum so other functions start from 0; only if needed
pixNum = 0;
case RedSnowflake: if(Snowflakes(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), 40) == false)
// done with colour wipe
Serial.println("SnowflakeNonBlock finished");
// reset pixNum so other functions start from 0; only if needed
pixNum = 0;
case BlueSnowflake: if(Snowflakes(strip.Color(0, 0, 255), 40) == false)
// done with colour wipe
Serial.println("SnowflakeNonBlock finished");
// reset pixNum so other functions start from 0; only if needed
pixNum = 0;
case GreenSnowflake: if(Snowflakes(strip.Color(0, 255, 0), 40) == false)
// done with colour wipe
Serial.println("SnowflakeNonBlock finished");
// reset pixNum so other functions start from 0; only if needed
pixNum = 0;
case PurpleSnowflake: if(Snowflakes(strip.Color(75, 0, 130), 40) == false)
// done with colour wipe
Serial.println("SnowflakeNonBlock finished");
// reset pixNum so other functions start from 0; only if needed
pixNum = 0;
// other cases here
bool Snowflakes(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait)
// variables that will be remembered between successive calls
// start time for delay
static unsigned long startTime;
// indication if Rainbow is in progress
static bool inProgress = false;
// if Rainbow is not yet in progress
if (inProgress == false)
// indicate that it's in progress
inProgress = true;
// set the start time (for delay)
startTime = millis();
// if a 'delay' period has lapsed
if (millis() - startTime >= wait)
// Setup the pixel array
int pixel[PIXEL_COUNT];
for(int p=0; p<PIXEL_COUNT; p++){
pixel[p] = random(0,255);
// Run some snowflake cycles
for (int j=0; j<200; j++) {
// Every five cycles, light a new pixel
strip.setPixelColor(random(0,60), c);
// Dim all pixels by 10
for(int p=0; p<PIXEL_COUNT; p++){
strip.setPixelColor(p, pixel[p],pixel[p],pixel[p] );
pixel[p] = pixel[p] - 10;
// 'reset' the start time for the delay
startTime = millis();
// next time that 'delay' has lapsed, use next pixel
// if all pixels done
if(pixNum == strip.numPixels())
// color wipe finished
inProgress = false;
// indicate the status to caller
return inProgress;
pixel[p] = random(0, 255);
You initialize each pixel to a value from 0 to 254.
// Dim all pixels by 10
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
strip.setPixelColor(p, pixel[p], pixel[p], pixel[p] );
pixel[p] = pixel[p] - 10;
You use the same value for Red, Green, and Blue so that explains why your pixels are all white. If you want different colors, you could make 'pixel' an array of colors instead of an array of integers. Initialize the Red Green and Blue parts of each pixel to different values. Dim the three parts of the pixel separately.
So should i be creating a pixel1 [p], pixel2 [p] and pixel3 [p] for red green and blue? Could you provide an example?
So should i be creating a pixel1 [p], pixel2 [p] and pixel3 [p] for red green and blue? Could you provide an example?
Why call them 'pixel1', 'pixel2', and 'pixel3' when they represent Red, Blue, and Green? I would go with a 2-dimensional array:
// Setup the pixel array
byte pixel[3][PIXEL_COUNT];
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
pixel[0][p] = random(256);
pixel[1][p] = random(256);
pixel[2][p] = random(256);
// Dim all pixels by 10
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
strip.setPixelColor(p, pixel[0][p], pixel[1][p], pixel[2][p] );
pixel[0][p] -= 10;
pixel[1][p] -= 10;
pixel[2][p] -= 10;
Why call them 'pixel1', 'pixel2', and 'pixel3' when they represent Red, Blue, and Green? I would go with a 2-dimensional array:
// Setup the pixel array
byte pixel[3][PIXEL_COUNT];
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
pixel[0][p] = random(256);
pixel[1][p] = random(256);
pixel[2][p] = random(256);
// Dim all pixels by 10
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
strip.setPixelColor(p, pixel[0][p], pixel[1][p], pixel[2][p] );
pixel[0][p] -= 10;
pixel[1][p] -= 10;
pixel[2][p] -= 10;
I tried the above code but instead of it being white like it was before, the LED's now will all light a different random color, if i set pixel0 to 255 and the rest to 0 then it will do a red flash but still have random colors mixed in instead of being just red, any ideas?
I tried the above code but instead of it being white like it was before, the LED's now will all light a different random color, if i set pixel0 to 255 and the rest to 0 then it will do a red flash but still have random colors mixed in instead of being just red, any ideas?
I thought the whole point was to get colors other than white. I guess I misunderstood your requirements. Perhaps you can modify the code to do what you want, now that you can assign any color to any pixel.
I thought the whole point was to get colors other than white. I guess I misunderstood your requirements. Perhaps you can modify the code to do what you want, now that you can assign any color to any pixel.
Even if i just want the color say red for example and set it like shown below, it will still show random colors in between the main color of red and will also not perform the effect properly with the red color either, any ideas what that might be or is the code not designed for it?
// Setup the pixel array
byte pixel[3][PIXEL_COUNT];
for (int p = 0; p < PIXEL_COUNT; p++)
pixel[0][p] = random(256);
pixel[1][p] = random(0);
pixel[2][p] = random(0);
any ideas what that might be or is the code not designed for it?
When you 'fade out' by repeatedly subtracting 10 you are likely to get negative numbers. Try this to avoid that:
pixel[0][p] = max(pixel[0][p] - 10, 0);
pixel[1][p] = max(pixel[1][p] - 10, 0);
pixel[2][p] = max(pixel[2][p] - 10, 0);