I want to change my pinout on my arduino every. I use MCU_friend to control a LCD display. I know that I have to change the mcu_friend.h file but it don't work. Maybe i'm doing it wrong. Do I have to juste change the text and arduino IDE will read it ? Thank for your help
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oops sorry thanks
So why do you think that you will more successful changing the board pinout than changing the library file?
Could you explain in detail what do you try to achieve?
I try to change the library file. I have to use the pins A4 for my display but I have to use it to communicate in I2C with an other component. So I'm trying change the LCD_RST pin from the display from A4 to A7. Is it understandable? english is not my first language.
What is your board exactly? On Uno and Nano you can't use A6, A7 pins as digital output.
You will need to modify more than just the mcu_friend.h file, the actual pin assignments are scattered across several files, mainly located under the utility directory within the library. If I recall correctly, the only time the display library uses the reset pin is when the display is initialized, so may be easier to modify that bit of the code.
The more common tactic to allow use of I2C is to modify the display shield, rerouting the display reset pin to the reset pin of the arduino board (I just bend the display shield pin 90 degrees to the side and solder a 10K resistor between that pin and the reset pin).
It is an arduino nano every
Ok, i don't think I understand all your message but thank you