Change the name of WiFi when Yun is in AccessPoint mode

Hello guys,
I would like to change the name of Wifi when Yun is in AccessPoint mode (master)...
or in other words, I don't want to see "Arduino Yun - xxxxxxxxxxx " in the list of active WiFi networks but I want to see "Fabrizio".

is it possible?

Sure, just edit file /etc/config/wireless or use the advanced web control panel (there is a link on top of the default web panel)

Hi Fede,
thanks for your reply.
I've already tried as you suggested but...
if you change from AccessPoint (first configuration) mode to Client mode (normal use) and then again yuo return to the AccessPoint mode (for example, if your wifi is not available or if you're too far away) the name of the Wifi network is again "Arduino Yun - xxxxxxxxxxx".


That's a different problem and it's not easily solvable (you had to modify some lua and bash scripts): wifi auto-reset puts the wifi configuration back to as when you put it out of the box
Your use case makes a nice feature request: mind adding an issue on GitHub - arduino/linino ?

I would second the feature request for renaming capabilities.

(I'm sorry for my english!) :wink: