Hello there,
I am programming a self driving "robot". The robot has two wheels each of them connected to a motor. I vary the robot's speed with PWM and I make the robot turn by turning one wheel forward and the other one backward.
There are 3 modes: 1: Stop, 2: self drive, 3. drive manually (with the buttons of the remote)
The robot is controlled by an IR remote (IR receiver connected to the arduino).
In "auto mode", I can change the speed while driving. But I can't do so while driving in manual mode. The variable for the speed (spd) changes to the new value but it's not written in the "working" case (switch case). Even if I drive backward and forward again it doesn't change the speed. --> So I have to change to another mode (auto or off) and then change back to manual mode for changing the speed.
Now I'm wondering why it works in the auto mode (green color) but not in the manual mode (red color).
Here's my code:
// Right Forward: 9
// Right Backward: 10
// Left Forward: 6
// Left Backward : 5
// Whisker Right: 3
// Whisker Left: 2
// IR Receiver: 11
// dir 1: Forward
// dir 2: Backward
// dir 3: Left
// dir 4: Right
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
int RF = 9;
int RB = 10;
int LF = 6;
int LB = 5;
int WR = 3;
int WL = 2;
int spd = 50;
int dir = 0;
int mode = 0;
void setup()
pinMode (3, INPUT);
pinMode (2, INPUT);
void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { // Prints in the received IR-Codes
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
switch (results.value) // Switch case to define which mode to run: off, auto or manual
case 0x800F040C: // Off mode
mode = 0;
case 0x800F845B: // Manual mode
mode = 1;
case 0x800F045C: // Auto mode
dir = 0;
mode = 2;
switch (results.value) // Switch case to change the variable (spd) for the speed
case 0x800F0401:
spd = 50; // PWM 50: Low speed
case 0x800F8402:
spd = 150; // PWM 150: Medium speed
case 0x800F8403:
spd = 255; // PWM 255: Max speed
switch (mode) // switch case to switch the mode
case 0: // mode off: wheels dont' move
dir = 0;
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, 0);
analogWrite (LF, 0);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
case 1: // mode auto
if ((digitalRead (WR) == HIGH) && (digitalRead (WL) == HIGH)) // checking whiskers to turn if the robot drives towards a wall
dir = 1; // no whisker activated: drive straight on
delay (5);
if ((digitalRead (WR) == LOW) && (digitalRead (WL) == LOW)) // both whiskers activated: turn approx. 180 degrees
dir = 2;
delay (5);
if ((digitalRead (WR) == LOW) && (digitalRead (WL) == HIGH)) // whisker right activated: turn left
dir = 3;
delay (5);
if ((digitalRead (WR) == HIGH) && (digitalRead (WL) == LOW)) // whisker left activated: turn right
dir = 4;
delay (5);
switch (dir) // switch case to change direction due to the state of the whiskers
case 0: // stopp
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, 0);
analogWrite (LF, 0);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
case 1: // straight on
analogWrite (RF, spd);
analogWrite (RB, 0);
analogWrite (LF, spd);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
case 2: // backward
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, spd);
analogWrite (LF, 0);
analogWrite (LB, spd);
delay (1000);
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, spd);
analogWrite (LF, spd);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
delay (300);
case 3: // turn left
analogWrite (RF, spd);
analogWrite (RB, 0);
analogWrite (LF, 0);
analogWrite (LB, spd);
delay (200);
case 4: // turn right
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, spd);
analogWrite (LF, spd);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
delay (200);
case 2: // mode manual: here's the problem with the variable "spd" which doesn't change while driving
dir = 0;
switch (results.value) // switch case for changing the direction due to the IR-Signal received from the remote
case 0x800F841E: // forward
analogWrite (RF, spd);
analogWrite (RB, 0);
analogWrite (LF, spd);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
case 0x800F041F: // backward
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, spd);
analogWrite (LF, 0);
analogWrite (LB, spd);
case 0x800F0420: // turn left
analogWrite (RF, spd);
analogWrite (RB, 0);
analogWrite (LF, 0);
analogWrite (LB, spd);
case 0x800F0421: // turn right
analogWrite (RF, 0);
analogWrite (RB, spd);
analogWrite (LF, spd);
analogWrite (LB, 0);
Thank you in advance!