hello, I have a RTC working on a LCD but to set the time I have to use Serial monitor. You guess the question.
heres the code.
Program: clock
Description: Reads the time from a PCF8563 RTC (Real Time
Clock). Displays the time and date on a LCD
and serial port. Allows the time to be set through the serial
Date: 20 April 2012
Author: W.A. Smith, http://startingelectronics.com
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define RTC_ADDR (0xA2 >> 1)
// Arduino pins used for LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(7,8,9,10,11,12);
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // initialize the I2C/TWI interface
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize the serial port
lcd.begin(16, 2); // initialize the LCD display
void loop() {
int rx_byte = 0; // stores data byte received on serial port
// check for data from the serial port
if (Serial.available()) {
rx_byte = Serial.read();
if ((rx_byte == 's') || (rx_byte == 'S')) {
// set the time
else {
// print the time
rx_byte = 0;
// print the time to the serial port and LCD
void PrintTime(void)
unsigned char time_date_raw[7]; // time/date read from RTC
int index = 0; // index into above array
char time[] = "hh:mm:ss"; // time string
char date[] = "dd-mm-20yy"; // date string
static unsigned char raw_time = 0; // stores old seconds value
// point to the time registers in the RTC
// get the time
Wire.requestFrom(RTC_ADDR, 7);
while (Wire.available()) {
time_date_raw[index] = Wire.read();
if (index >= 7) {
index = 0;
// convert the time / date to a string only every second
if (raw_time != time_date_raw[0]) {
raw_time = time_date_raw[0];
Serial.println("Send \"s\" to set the date and time.");
// convert time to a string
// hours
time[0] = ((time_date_raw[2] >> 4) & 0x03) + '0';
time[1] = (time_date_raw[2] & 0x0F) + '0';
// minutes
time[3] = ((time_date_raw[1] >> 4) & 0x07) + '0';
time[4] = (time_date_raw[1] & 0x0F) + '0';
// seconds
time[6] = ((time_date_raw[0] >> 4) & 0x07) + '0';
time[7] = (time_date_raw[0] & 0x0F) + '0';
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
// convert date to a string
// day
date[0] = ((time_date_raw[3] >> 4) & 0x03) + '0';
date[1] = (time_date_raw[3] & 0x0F) + '0';
// month
date[3] = ((time_date_raw[5] >> 4) & 0x01) + '0';
date[4] = (time_date_raw[5] & 0x0F) + '0';
date[8] = (time_date_raw[6] >> 4) + '0';
date[9] = (time_date_raw[6] & 0x0F) + '0';
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// allows the date and time to be set via the serial monitor window
void SetTime(void)
char menu_option = 0;
unsigned char new_date_time[7] = {
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; // 0xFF to mark unchanged field
char ret_val = 0;
while (menu_option != 8) {
if (Serial.available()) {
menu_option = Serial.read();
menu_option = menu_option - '0';
// check if a valid menu option was entered
if ((menu_option < 0) || (menu_option > 8)) {
// invalid option selected
Serial.println("Only 0 to 8 are valid, send 8 to quit.");
else { // valid menu option selected
switch (menu_option) {
case 1: // set year
Serial.println("Enter 2 digit year (00 to 99 valid) or \"q\" to quit.");
Serial.print("Year: ");
ret_val = GetNewTime(&new_date_time[6], 0, 99);
case 2: // set month
Serial.println("Enter 2 digit month (01 to 12 valid) or \"q\" to quit.");
Serial.print("Month: ");
ret_val = GetNewTime(&new_date_time[5], 1, 12);
case 3: // set day
Serial.println("Enter 2 digit day (01 to 31 valid) or \"q\" to quit.");
Serial.print("Day: ");
ret_val = GetNewTime(&new_date_time[3], 1, 31);
case 4: // set hour
Serial.println("Enter 2 digit hour (01 to 23 valid) or \"q\" to quit.");
Serial.print("Hour: ");
ret_val = GetNewTime(&new_date_time[2], 1, 23);
case 5: // set minute
Serial.println("Enter 2 digit minute (00 to 59 valid) or \"q\" to quit.");
Serial.print("Minute: ");
ret_val = GetNewTime(&new_date_time[1], 0, 59);
case 6: // set second
Serial.println("Enter 2 digit second (00 to 59 valid) or \"q\" to quit.");
Serial.print("Second: ");
ret_val = GetNewTime(&new_date_time[0], 0, 59);
case 7: // write changes
menu_option = 8;
if (ret_val == 1) { // user enters invalid value
Serial.println("Invalid value.");
else if (ret_val == 2) { // user presses 'q' key to quit
ret_val = 0;
// print the Set Date & Time menu on the serial port
void PrintMenu(void)
Serial.println("| Set Date & Time Menu |");
Serial.println("(Select 1 to 8)");
Serial.println("1. Set year.");
Serial.println("2. Set month.");
Serial.println("3. Set day.");
Serial.println("4. Set hour.");
Serial.println("5. Set minute.");
Serial.println("6. Set second.");
Serial.println("7. Write changes and finish.");
Serial.println("8. Exit without changing.");
// get new time/date from user via serial port
// returns 0 if success, 1 if invalid data entered, 2 if user quits
// *p_data = value entered by user converted to BCD
// lower = lowest valid value user can enter on serial port
// upper = highest valid value that user can enter on serial port
char GetNewTime(unsigned char *p_data, unsigned char lower, unsigned char upper)
char rx_data[3]; // data received from serial port
int index = 0; // index into above array
unsigned char data_val; // stores converted data for limit checking
// get 2 characters from the user over the serial port
while (index < 2) {
if (Serial.available()) {
rx_data[index] = Serial.read();
if (rx_data[index] == 'q') {
return 2; // user enters 'q' to quit
if (index > 1) { // only proceed if 2 character entered
data_val = ((rx_data[0] - '0') * 10) + (rx_data[1] - '0'); // convert ASCII BCD to binary
// check for valid range and valid characters
if ((data_val >= lower) && (data_val <= upper) && (rx_data[0] >= '0') &&
(rx_data[0] <= '9') && (rx_data[1] >= '0') && (rx_data[1] <= '9')) {
// send entered data over the serial port for feedback to user
rx_data[2] = 0; // terminate string
// convert 2 ASCII characters received to BCD
rx_data[0] = rx_data[0] - '0';
rx_data[1] = rx_data[1] - '0';
*p_data = rx_data[1];
*p_data |= (rx_data[0] << 4);
else {
return 1; // invalid data entered
return 0; // success
// write all 7 time/date fields to the RTC registers
// new_d_t[] array contains 0xFF in date/time fields that are not to be changed
// and contains valid BCD data in fields that are to be changed
void WriteDateTime(unsigned char new_d_t[])
char time_date_raw[7]; // time/date read from RTC
int index = 0; // index into above array
// point to the time registers in the RTC
// get the time
Wire.requestFrom(RTC_ADDR, 7);
while (Wire.available()) {
time_date_raw[index] = Wire.read();
if (index >= 7) {
index = 0;
// write the new time/date values to the array that contains values read from the RTC
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (new_d_t[i] != 0xFF) { // skip unchanged fields
time_date_raw[i] = new_d_t[i]; // copy value if changed
// point to the time registers in the RTC and send the time and date
// write new values and old unchanged values
Wire.write((uint8_t*)time_date_raw, 7);
So can I Edit this code to use push buttons. How easy would it be. What about incrementing the units 0 to 59 on pushbuttons. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Even have code for the RTC pcf8563 chip. I have seen sketches for the DS1307 RTC, would it be eaiser to use one of those sketches?