I don't think this question has been asked in relation to MKR1010.
How do I go about changing the device name for my board?
I'm using MATLAB to talk to the boards and I want to write a script that will identify the COM port that each particular board is connected to. I'm grabbing the COM ports from the registry and that's working fine, but I need to give the boards a "name" essentially (i.e. change the "device name" field that pops up in windows when I attach it), so that I know that board1 is connected to COM12, board2 is connected to COM25, etc.
I reckon this would be somewhere in the firmware of the board? But I don't know how to go about getting the stock firmware, changing it (and changing what), and how to upload it on the board.
So I've done more digging around and found this: change the name of arduino nano shown in the "Devices and printers"
Which is for changing the name of nano and uno boards. The I downloaded the ft_prog utility, but it wouldn't detect the mkr1010 - does it have an FTDI chip?
If it doesn't contain an ftdi chip, is the serial architecture similar to the uno? From that post, apparently this is the file to change the usb descriptor name for the uno: "arduino-1.0.5-r2\hardware\arduino\firmwares\atmegaxxu2\arduino-usbserial\Descriptors.c"
Does anyone know if the mkr1010 has a similar descriptor file?
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