I'm a beginner in arduino and also in programming.
I'm trying to make 3 different led's blinking in 3 different intervals, each change when I push down a pushbutton using digitalRead.
In addition, I would like to return a random number each time the button is pushed.
Here is my code. It's based on another code I found on a different post on this forum.
/*This program is based on
* "Blink Multiple LEDs without Delay"
* which is a program I found on the arduino forum.
* It is basically a program that turns on and off several LEDs connected
* to a digital pin, without using the delay() function. This means that
* other code can run at the same time without being interrupted by the
* LED code.
* I added some lines in order to have arduino read an input from pin 2 and
* return a randome value, and assign some values based on that returned
* value.
int led1 = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
int led2 = 12; // LED connected to digital pin 12
int led3 = 11; // LED connected to digital pin 11
int value1 = LOW; // previous value of the LED
int value2 = LOW; // previous value of the LED
int value3 = LOW; // previous value of the LED
long time1 = millis();
long time2 = millis();
long time3 = millis();
long selectGroup1;
long selectGroup2;
long selectGroup3;
//group 1 of intervals at which to blink (milliseconds)
long interval1 = 50;
long interval2 = 60;
long interval3 = 70;
//group 2 of intervals at which to blink (milliseconds)
long interval4 = 500;
long interval5 = 600;
long interval6 = 700;
//group 3 of intervals at which to blink (milliseconds)
long interval7 = 5000;
long interval8 = 6000;
long interval9 = 7000;
long rndNum; //stores the value of the returned random number
void setup()
pinMode(2, INPUT); // sets the digital pin as input
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pins as outputs
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
//retruns random number when HIGH
if (digitalRead(2) == HIGH){
rndNum = random(1, 4);
} else if (digitalRead(2) == LOW){
rndNum = 1;
//choose the interval group based on the random number
if (rndNum == 1){
selectGroup1 = interval1;
selectGroup2 = interval2;
selectGroup3 = interval3;
} else if (rndNum == 2){
selectGroup1 = interval4;
selectGroup2 = interval5;
selectGroup3 = interval6;
} else if (rndNum == 3) {
selectGroup1 = interval7;
selectGroup2 = interval8;
selectGroup3 = interval9;
unsigned long m = millis();
//Interval for LED1
if (m - time1 > selectGroup1){
time1 = m;
if (value1 == LOW)
value1 = HIGH;
value1 = LOW;
digitalWrite(led1, value1);
//Interval for LED2
if (m - time2 > selectGroup2){
time2 = m;
if (value2 == LOW)
value2 = HIGH;
value2 = LOW;
digitalWrite(led2, value2);
//Interval for LED3
if (m - time3 > selectGroup3){
time3 = m;
if (value3 == LOW)
value3 = HIGH;
value3 = LOW;
digitalWrite(led3, value3);
The problem I'm having is, that I want it to detect if the button is pushed, and if it is, I want it to assign a group of values to the selectGroup longs, and if it isn't, keep running on the previous values.
I understand that in my current code, my arduino will check if the button is on HIGH or LOW and re-assign the group of values each time the loop comes back to the beginning.
I simply just need the arduino to re-assign the values only when I push the button, and when I don't push the button, I want the arduino to continue the loop.
It would really be a lot of help if I could solve this problem.