Changing Modbus Device ID

I am using the Arduino MKR WiFi 101 and MKR 485 Shield to communicate with both the Renogy DCDC battery charger and Renogy 2000W inverter. Both devices have the same device ID, which is 1. I can communicate with them just fine separately but when I try and communicate with them at the same time, I get an error from the Inverter. I believe this is because they have the same device ID. Is there a way to change the device ID on the inverter using Modbus? I will link the MODBUS documentation for the inverter.
Inverter Modbus Protocol V1.8.pdf (391.3 KB)

Their datasheets would tell that.

I am more looking for code or specific commands that will help me change the device ID. The manual does not give me steps on changing the device ID.

Datasheet is quite chinese.. You could try with address 4109 (device id), which I imagine supposed to be 40109 which is 0x6C in hex. So connect only (one) the device of your datasheet and write 0x02 to holding register address 0x6C