Changing polarisation with 12v


I want to use such a device with an arduino.

To change the sign you need to switch the polarisation of the coil. So that is very simple, using digital.out and switch between high and low. But the coil needs 12v and the arduino only gifs only max 9v. Using a transitory is maybe a solution, but I don’t know how.

Who can help?

Greets Treb.

I think you need a H-bridge. Google should explain.


I think you need to explain what it is?
I gather it is a 7seg mechanical display.

If you have a picture, can you link us to the actual ebay sellers page?

Thanks.. Tom.... :slight_smile:

Polarization is a property of a component - a polarized capacitor is not symmetrical, but for connecting
circuits we say polarity, not polarization - isn't language complicated!

It is a mechanical display

Here the picture of the front:

Technical info:
12v DC with 25 Ohm

I need to switch the polarity to ‘open’ or ‘close’ one of the seven parts