channal selection on a remote

i got A error too few arguments to function 'void digitalWrite(uint8_t, uint8_t)'

i have 4 lights connect to A0 till A3 its comming from a remote control (channel selection)

i want to do somting on a spesific channel

see my code i do somthing wrong but i dont now what!

int L1 = A0;  // Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to
int L2 = A1;
int L3 = A2;
int L4 = A3;
int Down = 8;
int channel = 13;
int sensorValue = 0;        // value read from the pot
int sensorValue1 = 0;
int sensorValue2 = 0;
int sensorValue3 = 0;

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:
  pinMode(Down, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(channel, OUTPUT);

char rx_byte = 0;
void loop() {
  // read the analog in value:
  sensorValue = analogRead(L1);
  sensorValue1 = analogRead(L2);
  sensorValue2 = analogRead(L3);
  sensorValue3 = analogRead(L4);

  Serial.print("sensor = " );
  Serial.print("sensor1 = " );
  Serial.print("sensor2 = " );
  Serial.print("sensor3 = " );

  if ( (L1 <= 50) && (L2 <= 50) && (L3 <= 50) && (L4 <= 50))              //condition 1
    digitalWrite (Down = HIGH);
    digitalWrite (Down = LOW);

 else if ( (L1 >= 50) && (L2 <= 50) && (L3 <= 50) && (L4 <= 50))             //condition 2
    digitalWrite (channel = HIGH);
    digitalWrite (channel = LOW);

 else if ( (L1 >= 50) && (L2 >= 50) && (L3 <= 50) && (L4 <= 50))             //condition 3
    digitalWrite (channel = HIGH);
    digitalWrite (channel = LOW);

  else if ( (L1 >= 50) && (L2 >= 50) && (L3 >= 50) && (L4 <= 50))         //condition 4
    digitalWrite (channel = HIGH);
    digitalWrite (channel = LOW);

 else if ( (L1 >= 50) && (L2 >= 50) && (L3 >= 50) && (L4 = > 50))             //condition 5
    digitalWrite (channel = HIGH);
    digitalWrite (channel = LOW);

When you encounter an error the code line where the error occurs will be highlighted in pink. You will also see the line number in the error message. In this case you can see there is a problem with your use of digitalWrite(). So head on over to the documentation for that page and compare your code to the documented syntax:

Do you see the problem now?