Cheap Amazon 7 Segment Displays Pins???

I recently purchased a pack of these 7 segment displays (these) , but can not find the datasheet anywhere online. Does anyone have experience with these? Thanks!

Get a resistor say 1K connected to the -ve of a 5V power supply, and
With the other end of it and the +ve lead, connect two pins up at random. Keep doing that until you see one segment lit up. Then keep the -ve one on the same pin and probe the others to see what segment they light.

Having two digits there will be two cathodes with the segments being common for both.

So you're trying to solve this puzzle, see attached.
To use them you will output anode data, and take one cathode low.
Then bring the cathode high.
Set up the anode data for the next digit, and take its cathode low.
Leave each digit one for 10-15mS.

Assuming the product code you received is LD-3261AS as shown in the picture, then you might do worse than assume some similarity with this or this, both of which imply the attached layout.

At least this could be a starting point for verifying the connections as previously suggested.
