I'm curious about which programmer with USB to get. My tasks are the following:
Upgrade Arduino Duemilanove (I'm waiting for one :)) to use optiboot
Program brand new ATmega8, ATmega16 with optiboot by putting them into Arduino board (by removing Arduino enabled-chip) and hooking programmer to ICSP header on Arduino
Set brand new ATmega8, ATmega16 fuse bits to use internal oscillator while programming as described above and use them in "minimal Arduino" (like this: (sorry, I need to obscure links by removing first "h", that's my first post on the forum) ttp://todbot.com/blog/2009/05/26/minimal-arduino-with-atmega8/)
I'm thinking about something like this: (sorry, I need to obscure links by removing first "h", that's my first post on the forum) ttp://cgi.ebay.com/AVR-USBASP-Programmer-ATMEGA8-ATMEGA128-ATMEGA168-etc-/330457885370?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cf0d32aba
But it seems it uses 10 pin cable but arduino has 6 pins on the header (I should make an adapter?), is anything else I should consider?
It might be worth looking at the high voltage programmers as well. They can reprogram the fuses on a chip in some cases where the isp programmers cannot.
It is possible to program the fuses with a low voltage programmer to a condition that the chip is then not reprogrammable by the same low voltage programmer, & yes I have done it
Thanks for the response it seems to be a good option, but I want to buy something ready to use, not kit. So far I haven't found USBtinyISP in a form of a ready device, not kit.
So far I haven't found USBtinyISP in a form of a ready device, not kit.
I bought the USBtiny kit from Ladyada and it went together pretty easy and works great. However SparkFun sells an assembled compatible USBtiny that will work with the Arduino IDE:
E-bay has a ton of assembled USBtiny compatible programmers from asian sellers also.