Check if GY 521 is broken.

Hey Guys,
I lately got myself and GY 521 and I got some code from this website: Arduino Playground - HomePage and also the FreeIMU library. I am using an Arduino mirco with this board and have the sensor connected up(Vcc to 3.3V, GND to GND SDA to A4, SCL to A5), but when I use the Arduino code from the website I linked the Serial monitor is only outputting weird Values. The accelerometer is switching between 0.5 and 80-86 always between the same two values, but different if I reboot the Arduino. The Gyro is counting down from about -1500
Here is a bit of that output.

When I try to used the FreeIMU library it is displaying nothing on the serial monitor. I set it in the file to a normal gyroscope and tried the: FreeIMU_yaw_pitch_roll, FreeIMU_raw codes. Both output nothing.
Have I somehow killed that board by overheating it? Is there any way to test if it actually is still fully working?

I figured it out. The arduino mirco is declared in the Wire library as a Leonardo, so the I2c ports were 2 and 3..