I have a ProMini 5V soldered to a protoboard, along with a MPU6050, HMC5883L, BMP085 and some headers. I intended to use it as a MultiWii Flight Controller for a Quadcopter. Yesterday it was working normally and I could upload and connect it to my PC. However today when I try to connect it I get the "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" message and can't connect it at all.
I have had this happen like this once before when I accidentally shorted a few pins on an UNO, after which it died. What I am wondering is if there is any way I can check if it's broken beyond repair or if I can mend it? Or is it possible something else? I have no memory of anything going wrong with the board this time, and I can't at this time not find any shorts at all.
Is it still running with the sketch you had in it?
I don't know for sure. I used to check how it was working by connecting it to the MultiWii GUI, which I can't anymore. But I havent seen the LED (D13) blink anything, which I think it might have done before. There's also no reaction at all to pressing the reset button.