Hi guys i have this another timing sketch below .. another different encounter in programming timings in arduino for me..hehe..
this is what the sketch does:
*at button press/hold
PROCESS1 - the ledPin will be ON for 500UL and then OFF
*when the button is released from pressing or holding
-PROCESS2 - the ledPin will be ON again for 500UL and then OFF
but what i want to happen is to check if the button is pressed or held for exactly 4s BEFORE process1 occurs , that is;
if button is held for 4s
do process 1
proceed to process2 if button is released
loop from the start (check again if button is held for 4s)
i'm having a hard time thinking of a way to check the presence of button hold for 4s, mind if u may help me with this one
thanks ! XD
const int ledPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin
unsigned long startTime; // will store last time LED was updated
const int DisplayButton = 2;
int lastButtonState = 0;
int ledState;
unsigned long interval = 500UL; // interval at which to blink
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DisplayButton, INPUT);
void loop()
int buttonState = digitalRead(DisplayButton);
if (buttonState != lastButtonState) // on any state change...
startTime = millis();// .... reset the timer
lastButtonState = buttonState;
if (millis() - startTime <= interval)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
const byte Led = 13;
const byte Button = 2;
unsigned long time;
bool reset = false;
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Button, INPUT);
void loop()
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if(digitalRead(Button) && !reset) // check if button is pressed /held "HIGH" and reset is false
time = millis();
reset = true;
if(!digitalRead(Button) && reset) //Check if button is released "LOW" and reset is true
reset = false;
if(digitalRead(Button) && (millis() - time > 3000)) // if button is HIGH and 3 seconds has passed, LED on.
digitalWrite(Led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Led, LOW); // otherwise LED off
say that in the sketch,if 4s has passed, the led will be lit , but it wont turn off ,not until the button is released,,,
if 4s has passed and the button is still pressed, the led must be lit on for 500UL only and then off , even if i am still holding the button ,, and the same will happen when i release the button .
tnx !
I collected sections out of working code to give you an idea of how you can use the SwitchManage to monitor a switch push for different times.
ex: 250ms, 1 second and 3 seconds.
When these times are met you can do what ever you have to do.
#include <SwitchManager.h>
SwitchManager modeSW; // create the object
const byte ModeSW = 4; //input from the Mode push button switch
void setup ()
modeSW.begin (ModeSW, modeSwitchManager);
//======================== END OF setup ==========================
void loop ()
//check to see what's happening with the Mode switch
//other suff
//======================== END OF loop ===========================
// M O D E S W I T C H M A N A G E R
// function looks after the Mode switch functions
void modeSwitchManager (const byte newState, const unsigned long interval)
if (newState == HIGH) //in this case ignor a switch release
//newSatate must be LOW
//Are we switching to a new mode?
if (interval <= 250) //has it been < 1/4 second since the last push?
if (modeNumber > 6) //only modes 0-6 are allowed in ths sketch
modeNumber = 0;
//Udate to the new display mode
switch (modeNumber)
case 0: //In put pulse counter displays CXXXXXXX
//start out at zero so it takes 3 pushes reset the Prescaler
resetCounter = 0;
case 1: //Frequency counter displays FXXXXXXX
flag = true;
i = 0;
case 2: //High Pulse Width displays HXXXXXXX
prepareForInterrupts ();
case 3: //Low Pulse Width displays LXXXXXXX
prepareForInterrupts ();
case 4: //Auto range voltmeter displays EXXXXXXX
case 5: //Pulse output 1X displays P1_XXXXX
configure (modeNumber);
//start out at zero
pulsesSent = 0UL;
case 6: //Pulse output 10X displays P10XXXXX
configure (modeNumber);
//start out at zero
pulsesSent = 0UL;
} // END of switch(mode)
//Check to see if we want to reset the 4040 Hardware Prescaler
//modeNumber 0, this is input pulse counting mode
if (modeNumber == 0 && interval >=1000)
resetCounter++; //if we ever get up to 2 then we are going to reset the Prescaler
if (resetCounter >= 2)
resetCounter = 0;
//do it
//Initailize the Prescaler
digitalWrite(RST,HIGH); //reset the Prescaler, i.e. a HIGH resets a LOW enables
digitalWrite(RST,LOW); //enable the Prescaler
topPScounter = 0UL; //reset the overflow register
//Check to see if we want to send one pulse out on the pulse probe
//modeNumber 5, this is pulse output X1 mode
//Have to wait initially 3 seconds then 1 sec there after
if (modeNumber == 5 && interval >=3000)
else if (modeNumber == 5 && pulsesSent > 0 && interval >=1000)
//Check to see if we want to send 10 pulses out on the pulse probe
//modeNumber 6, this is pulse output X10 mode
//Have to wait initially 3 seconds then 1 sec there after
else if (modeNumber == 6 && interval >=3000)
pulsesSent += 10;
else if (modeNumber == 6 && pulsesSent > 0 && interval >=1000)
pulsesSent += 10;
} // END of modeSwitchManager()
#include <SwitchManager.h>
SwitchManager modeSW; // create the object
const byte ModeSW = 4; //input from the Mode push button switch
void setup ()
modeSW.begin (ModeSW, modeSwitchManager);
//======================== END OF setup ==========================
void loop ()
//check to see what's happening with the Mode switch
//other suff
//======================== END OF loop ===========================
// M O D E S W I T C H M A N A G E R
// function looks after the Mode switch functions
void modeSwitchManager (const byte newState, const unsigned long interval)
if (newState == HIGH) //in this case ignor a switch release
//the newSatate must be LOW
if (interval >=3000)
//do stuff for 3 seconds
if (interval >=1000)
//do stuff for 1 second
if (interval <= 250)
//do your stuff for < 1/4 second push
} // END of modeSwitchManager()
if the process goes to
" return; "
where does it go ?
Back to finish whatever is left in the loop() function.
When the loop() function finishes it's last instruction, execution starts at the top of the loop() function once again and things repeat over and over. . . .