I'm having a trouble with calculating checksum for a command that sends temperature to external divice. I'm using serial protocol and I have to do this for checksum:
Checksum: two ASCII hexadecimal bytes representing the least significant 8 bits of the sum of all preceding bytes of the command.
For some command I already have calculated checksums.
HEX: 2E 47 30 4135 0D
But when I want to send command for setting temperature I have to calculate checksum for myself.
This command consists of (for temperature 20.5°C):
. M +205 3D (in ASCII)
In this example 3D are Ascii characters for checksum, but I do not know how to get them with Arduino code.
I do not know how to sum bytes of chars ('.', 'M', '+', '2', etc.) and take the least significant 8 bits of the sum.
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data: 0x2E + 0x47 + 0x30 = checksum: 0xA5
Then you have to convert the byte 0xA5 to the ascii charaters 'A' and '5', that is 0x41('A') and 0x35('5').
So the total result is : 0x2E, 0x47, 0x30, 0x41, 0x35.
Okay, I think I understand it.
Build your string or code in a byte buffer.
Create a checksum by adding every value to a byte, ignore overflow of the byte.
Convert the checksum into two nibbles.
byte data[20] = ".M+205".
int length = 6; // or strlen(data)
byte checksum = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<length; i++)
checksum += data[i];
byte lowNibble = checksum & 0x0F; // take the 4 lowest bits
byte highNibble = (checksum >> 4) & 0x0F; // take the 4 highest bits
// Convert the lowNibble and highNibble to a readable ascii character
if ( lowNibble >= 0x0A)
lowNibble += 'A';
lowNibble += '0';
if ( highNibble >= 0x0A)
highNibble += 'A';
highNibble += '0';
// Add them to the end of the data, high nibble first
data[length++] = highNibble;
data[length++] = lowNibble;
// transmit data with 'length' number of bytes