chinese arduino copies vs standalone atmega

Hi , i have this question, i would like to know for permanent projects what is more viable ? using a chinese uno or nano v3 , or just use a atmega with bootloader.

I am asking because i know sometimes chinese copies can have problems and so on, and i wanted to know if using a good atmega328 is preferable.
Consider projects where you dont want the arduino to fail or stop.



First, what do you NEED for memory? What are you doing? Why consider Mega with so much more pins and memory..?

I personally know the people and factory I have UNO-compatible boards made by in China. I have sold many thousands of these boards with only 2 (as I recall) actual "returned dead".

I have one of THESE BOARDS that has been running 24-7 monitoring my house temperatures for almost 2 years, only reset when the power goes off..

DISCLAIMER: Mentioned stuff from my own shop...

Hi thanks for the reply,
in the project i have i need almost every pin, 6 analog inputs , some outputs , i need 5v and 3,3v , spi pins , Vin ....

well that is good to know that you have run into no problems and you have extensive usage of those boards.