i need 16 inputs and i want to use a multiplexer or something similar. i currently use the pcf8574 to handle my outputs and i think i can use it for input. the pcf8574 would work i think for buttons or other low speed applications, however i also need a couple analog inputs and would prefer if i could wire some dht22s or other temp sensors.
What are my options besides pcf8574 im not very familiar with these types of components? I would be willing to use multiple multiplexers if they are only available with 8 inputs. i would also prefer it to be I2C
A 4051 or 4067 will do for analog inputs and can be used for polling digital inputs as well. For digital inputs, you can look at a 74HC165 shift register or the MCP23017 (I2C) or MCP23S17 (SPI) port expanders. Or your PCF8574.