Choosing the correct mosfet for my project

Hello everyone! I am trying to follow a guide from adafruit on how to power an LED strip using mosfets. They use an IRLB8721, but that isn't available in my country. The closest I can find is the IRLZ24NPBF. Is it ok to use those with an arduino leonardo and use pwm to power the LED's on? I will not be using a large amount of leds so the max amperage should be fine.

It's fine. If you look at the bottom of the datasheet PbF means lead-free which in some cases is a [hazardous materials requirement](http://" stands for Restriction of,products (known as EEE).").

Thanks for the info, but that wasn't really what I was looking for. Sorry, I could have been more specific. What I meant is if the arduino Leonardo (5v) is enough to power the mosfet so it becomes fully on.

For IRLZ24N 5V Vgs is enough to provide up to ~20A for a load.

Does that mean I can use it to control RGB LED'S in order to control the colours?

Does that mean I can use it to control RGB LED'S in order to control the colours?

Yes if each channel requires less than 20Amp

Thanks for the help!