Chromebook plugin issues

Previously I tried to install the Linux IDE but had issues with privileges so gave up. Linux is now turned off on my pixelbook.
I went through the Arduino create steps to download the plugin and got this file:

  • ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1-linux-x64-installer-chrome.tar.gz

Unzipping gave me this file:


I don't think this should be a linux file for a chromebook plugin without linux installed. Is some linux flag stuck on in my Chromebook?
When I click on the .run file I get a popup to select an app to open this file -no results found.

Could someone please give me some pointers?


So I guess it is linux based. I moved the .run file to the unix folder, did a chmod +x, and successfully ran it. Went through all the pop up windows to a successful install.
Now when I go through the Arduino Create steps I skipped past the Download page and it says:

  • Looking for installed plugin...

and it eventually comes back with:

  • Error We are not able to detect the installed plugin.

Is there a way to check if the plugin is really installed as the linux installer stated?
What are my next steps?

Thank you.

Next update:
I plugged in my board (mkr 1310) and get lights (green and flashing amber). The Chromebook appears to recognize it as I get a pop up and in Settings/linux/usb preferences the MKR board is listed and switched on.
But in the arduino create it shows the MKR board with a red X on the interface.
I see that the MKR 1300 is fully supported for Upload and Verify but the 1310 is only partially supported for Verify only. Does this mean I cant code my 1310??? Regardless it still does not connect.

Hi John,

Which version of Chrome OS are you running on your Pixelbook?

I've found this article with a clear and concise instructions How to check which version of Chrome OS you’re running - The Verge on how to find it.

I'm asking this because Chrome OS 85 introduced a bug that broke the Arduino ChromeApp a couple of months ago.

Which version of Chrome OS are you running on your Pixelbook?

I now have Version 87.0.4280.109 (Official Build) (64-bit)

That was it! I had an 86 version so I thought I was good based on all the comments about the problem in 85 that was fixed in 86.
When I upgraded to 87 it worked!

So this now works in the linux IDE but the MKR 1310 is still not supported in the on-line web editor!

Hey, I'm glad to hear it works now! We traveled through a bumpy road during the v85 and v86 release of Chrome.

I'm checking if we can add support to the Arduino MRK WAN 1310 on the Chrome App.

The Arduino MKR WAN 1310 is now supported in version of the Chrome App.

The Chrome App extension usually updates automatically behind the scenes. You can check the currently installed version by looking at the Settings > More Tools > Extensions section in Chrome.

If the Chrome App version is still the previous one (, you can remove it and install it again by visiting the Web Editor.

Let me know if it works for you; I've successfully tested it using a simple Blink sketch.

The Arduino MKR WAN 1310 is now supported in version of the Chrome App.

The Chrome App extension usually updates automatically behind the scenes. You can check the currently installed version by looking at the Settings > More Tools > Extensions section in Chrome.

If the Chrome App version is still the previous one (, you can remove it and install it again by visiting the Web Editor.

Let me know if it works for you; I've successfully tested it using a simple Blink sketch.

Thank you! I now see the MKR WAN 1310 in the list of fully supported boards and I can successfully connect and upload several basic programs (both blink and others I created). I was unsuccessful loading FirstConfiguration and LoraSendAndRecieve (edited to work with my device). They do upload in the Linux IDE. In both sketches I get an error "Unexpected response writing source address!" with this additional information:
Upload started
Validating license ...
Programming with: sam-ba-flasher -f undefined -p /dev/ttyACM0
Resetting device ...
Waiting for device ...
Opening device ...
Setting binary mode ...
Reading version ...
v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Apr 30 2019 12:41:57
Erasing ...
Writing 19488 bytes ..
It is also interesting to note that the web editor connection to the board ONLY WORKS when I DO NOT click on the Linux USB Device Detected popup. Any time I connect the USB to Linux the Web Editor wont connect to the board.
And I am still stuck on the modem.joinotaa(appeui appkey) which is covered in another post.

Can you share you sketch (or the most relevant part of it) you're trying to upload to the board using the Web Editor. so I can try to troubleshoot this error?

Can you share you sketch (or the most relevant part of it) you're trying to upload to the board using the Web Editor. so I can try to troubleshoot this error?

So today I can upload and run fine. Don't know what has changed.
Also now, seemingly with no change, my lorawan communication from the MKR1310 to my gateway is working! Hope it continues and wish I knew what made the difference.
Thanks for your help!

So today I can upload and run fine. Don't know what has changed.
Also now, seemingly with no change, my lorawan communication from the MKR1310 to my gateway is working! Hope it continues and wish I knew what made the difference.
Thanks for your help!

Great, I'm glad to hear it!

I seem to be stuck not detecting my Arduino at all on my PixelBook. I'm running version 88 (from beta channel). When I plug in the Arduino, I get a notification (Powering USB-C Device) but that doesn't seem to actually identify the device so everything I've tried from the linux prompt seem to fail since they don't actually detect any device as well.

What am I missing here?

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