I am making a smart wearable without a display that will show all the data through an app. I have chosen these sensors and I need help(Circuit Diagram) and recommendations to build the prototype of my project
MPU-6050 6DOF
BMA456 or LIS2DH12
NEO-6M GPS Module or u-blox NEO-M8N
Integrated power management
(GNB 3.7V 500mAh LiPo Battery (GNB753048))
Your wearable seems quite involved with lots of stuff. If you are new to this Arduino world, I suggest that you take it one step at a time.
Connect one of your sensors to the ESP and write code for it; I guess that for most (or maybe all) of them you can base it on library examples. Get familiar with the sensor and code, understand the examples / your code etc.
Next do the same for the next sensor in your list.
Once you understand it all, start combining. Use two sensors and combine the code, test properly. Add the third sensor, add the code for it, test properly. Etcetera.
Circuit diagram
I suggest that you start drawing your schematic as you see how it should be and present it here; you can use pencil and paper, take a photo of it and include in a post. That way you can get feedback from the experienced hardware engineers.
This appears where somebody got a bunch of interesting parts and now wants to connect them. The proper way is do the design first then pick the parts and check if they will do what you want. They have data sheets telling you this.
Yes i am from CSE background but i have integrated esp8266 and max30102 with blynk iot app but i need someone who can help me out in the whole sensors integration
Note that I did not pay attention to different Vcc voltages; you did not specify if you're going to use ICs or modules so it's up to you. The datasheet of the MAX30102 specifies 2V max, the BMP280 is max 3.3V. Not likely that you will use the same Vcc.