Circuit for controlling 4 dc motors using L298N and Arduino Nano

Please Help me with the best circuitry for using L298N and Arduino Nano for efficient controlling of 4 DC motors.

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It's actually a dual H-bridge, for driving 2 DC motors in 2 directions. If you want to use it with 4 motors (only 1 direction), you could, but it is not intended to be used like that.
Either way, the schematics are literally in the datasheet, and a quick Google search yields countless results ...

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the H-Bridge can be used to control 2 motors, unless you intend to drive two in parallel (2 motors per side, Tank-Style. (both front & back wheels running same time and in the same direction, using wheels on opposite side to handle turning by running them opposite rotation from the 1st side)).. If all 4 motors are to be independent, and reversible, you will need a 2nd H-Bridge. Can you be a little more specific on the application of the 4 motors?

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