Circuit help

I made this circuit a few days ago then took it apart and now I'm re assembling and it's not working could someone look at it for me thanks

What indication are you getting that it is not working? Post your sketch and a circuit diagram (even had drawn) for help here.

Its so I can drive a rc car autonomously and the code worked a few days ago so I'm almost positive it's the circurt (sorry never been drawn)

Time for you to draw it. Without a drawing, we (and you) are shooting in the dark.

Its so I can drive a rc car autonomously and the code worked a few days ago so I'm almost positive it's the circurt (sorry never been drawn)

I have seen this enquiry in the Programming section, which is where I replied asking to see the circuit rather than a meaningless photo.

Please do not cross post

I made this circuit a few days ago then took it apart and now I'm re assembling and it's not working could someone look at it for me thanks

Well, the black blob in the picture middle is a T092 package of which there are many thousands of different types.

So do you seriously expect anyone to know from the picture what the circuit does, or is suposed to do ?