Circular polarization matlab

hello i am trying to run the following attached matlab code on arduino nano. i don't own the board yet but i plan to purchase it. thanks very much for your help.

matlab polarized fields

%% filename: PolarizationExample

%% Modeling and Analyzing Polarization
% This example introduces the basic concept of polarization. It shows how
% to analyze the polarized field and model the signal transmission between
% polarized antennas and targets using Phased Array System Toolbox(TM).

%   Copyright 2012-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Polarization of an Electromagnetic Field
% The electromagnetic field generated by an antenna is orthogonal to the
% propagation direction in the far field. The field can be pointing to any
% direction in this plane, and therefore can be decomposed into two
% orthogonal components. Theoretically, there are an infinite number of
% ways to define these two components, but most often, one uses either
% (H,V) set or (L,R) set. (H,V) stands for horizontal and vertical, which
% can be easily pictured as x and y component; while (L,R) stands for left
% and right circular. It may be difficult to imagine that a vector in space
% can have a circular component in it, the secret lies in the fact that
% each component can be a complex number, which greatly increases the
% complexity of the trace of such a vector.
% Let's look at several simple examples.  The time varying field can be
% written as
% $$ E = \bf{u}_h|E_h|{\rm cos}(\omega t-kz+\phi_h) + 
% \bf{u}_v|E_v|{\rm cos}(\omega t-kz+\phi_v) $$
% where 
% $$ E_h = |E_h|e^{j\phi_h}, E_v = |E_v|e^{j\phi_v} $$
% are the two components in phasor representation. $\bf{u}_h$ and
% $\bf{u}_v$ are the unit vector of h and v axes, respectively. 
% The simplest case is probably a linear polarization, which happens when
% the two components are always in phase. Assume
% $$ |E_h|=|E_v|=1, \phi_h=\phi_v=0 $$,
% the field can be represented by a vector of [1;1]. The polarization for
% such a field looks like

fv = [1;1];

% From the figure, it is clear that the combined polarization is along the
% 45 degrees diagonal. 
% The plot in the upper right portion of the figure is often referred to as
% the polarization ellipse. It is the projection of the combined field
% trace on the H-V plane. The polarization ellipse is often characterized
% by two angles, the tilt angle (also known as orientation angle) $\tau$
% and the ellipticity angle $\epsilon$. In this case, the tilt angle is 45
% degrees and the ellipticity angle is 0. The dot on the ellipse shows how
% the combined field moves along the trace on the H-V plane while time
% passes.
% A polarized field can also be represented by Stokes vector, which is a
% length-4 vector. The corresponding Stokes vector of the linear
% polarization, [1;1], is given by

s = stokes(fv)

% Note that all 4 entries in the vector are real numbers. In fact, all
% these entries are measurable. In addition, it can be shown that the four
% quantities always satisfy the following equation
% $$ s(1)^2 = s(2)^2 + s(3)^2 + s(4)^2 $$.
% Therefore, each set of Stokes can be considered as a point on a sphere.
% Such a sphere is referred to as a Poincare sphere. The Poincare sphere
% for the above field is shown in the bottom right portion of the figure.
% Next is a circular polarized field, where 
% $$ |E_h|=|E_v|=1, \phi_h=0, \phi_v=\pi/2. $$

fv = [1;1i];

% The figure shows that the trace of the combined field is a circle. Both
% the polarization ellipse and the Poincare sphere shows that the field is
% left circularly polarized.
% In general, the trace of a field is an ellipse, as shown below

fv = [2+1i;1-1i];

%% Polarization of an Antenna
% The polarization of an antenna is defined as the polarization of the
% field transmitted by the antenna regardless whether it's in the
% transmitting or receiving mode. However, as mentioned earlier, the
% polarization is defined in the plane that is orthogonal to the
% propagation direction. Therefore, it is defined in the local coordinate
% system of each propagation direction, as shown in the following diagram.
% <<../PolarizationExample_localhv.png>>

% Some antennas have a structure that determines its polarization, such as
% a dipole. The dipole antenna has a polarization that is parallel to its
% orientation. Assuming the frequency is 300 MHz, for a vertical short
% dipole, the polarization response at boresight, i.e., 0 degrees azimuth
% and 0 degrees elevation, is given by

antenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Z');

fc = 3e8;
resp = antenna(fc,[0;0])

% Note that the horizontal component is 0. If we change the orientation of
% the dipole antenna to horizontal, the vertical component becomes 0.

antenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Y');
resp = antenna(fc,[0;0])

%% Polarization Loss
% When two antennas form a transmit/receive pair, their polarizations could
% affect the received signal power. Therefore, to collect a signal with
% maximum power possible, the receive antenna's polarization has to match
% the transmit antenna's polarization. The polarization matching factor can
% be measured as
% $$ \rho = |p_t^Tp_r|^2 $$
% where $p_t$ and $p_r$ represent the normalized polarization states of the
% transmit and receive antenna, respectively.
% Assume both transmit and receive antennas are short dipoles. The transmit
% antenna sits at the origin and the receive antenna at location (100,0,0).
% First, consider the case where both antennas are along Y axis and face
% each other. This is the scenario where the two antennas are matched in
% polarization.

pos_r = [100;0;0];
lclaxes_t = azelaxes(0,0);    % transmitter coordinate system
lclaxes_r = azelaxes(180,0);  % receiver faces transmitter
ang_t = [0;0];                % receiver at transmitter's boresight
ang_r = [0;0];                % transmitter at receiver's boresight

txAntenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Z');
resp_t = txAntenna(fc,ang_t);
rxAntenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Z');
resp_r = rxAntenna(fc,ang_r);

ploss = polloss([resp_t.H;resp_t.V],[resp_r.H;resp_r.V],pos_r,lclaxes_r)

% The loss is 0 dB, indicating that there is no loss due to polarization
% mismatch. The section below shows the effect with a simulated signal.

% Signal simulation
[x,t] = helperPolarizationSignal;

% Create radiator and collector
radiator = phased.Radiator('Sensor',txAntenna,'Polarization','Combined',...
collector = ...

% Signal transmission and reception
xt = radiator(x,ang_t,lclaxes_t);
y = collector(xt,ang_r,lclaxes_r);


% The figure shows that the signal is received with no loss. Each short
% dipole antenna provides a gain of 1.76 dB, so the received signal is
% 1.5 times stronger than the transmitted signal.
% If instead a horizontally polarized antenna is used to receive the
% signal, the two antennas are now orthogonal in polarization and as a
% result, no power will be delivered to the received antenna. The
% polarization loss can be found by

rxAntenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Y');
resp_r = rxAntenna(fc,ang_r);

ploss = polloss([resp_t.H;resp_t.V],[resp_r.H;resp_r.V],pos_r,lclaxes_r)

% This process can be better understood using the following diagram.
% <<../PolarizationExample_txrxpol.png>>
% As the diagram shows, the polarization of an antenna can be seen as a
% filter blocking out any polarized wave that is orthogonal to the
% antenna's own polarization state.
% As expected, the signal simulation shows that the received signal is 0.

collector = ...

% Signal transmission and reception
xt = radiator(x,ang_t,lclaxes_t);
y = collector(xt,ang_r,lclaxes_r);


% One can rotate the receive antenna to get a partial match in
% polarization. For instance, assume the receiving antenna in the previous
% example is rotated 45 degrees around x axis, then the received signal is
% no longer 0, although not as strong as when the polarizations are
% matched.

% Rotate axes
lclaxes_r = rotx(45)*azelaxes(180,0);

% Signal transmission and reception
xt = radiator(x,ang_t,lclaxes_t);
y = collector(xt,ang_r,lclaxes_r);

helperPolarizationSignalPlot(t,x,y,'45 degree')

% The corresponding polarization loss is

ploss = polloss([resp_t.H;resp_t.V],[resp_r.H;resp_r.V],pos_r,lclaxes_r)

% measured in dB.

%% Target Polarization Signature
% When an electromagnetic wave hits the target, the wave will be scattered
% off the target and some energy will be transferred between two orthogonal
% polarization components. Therefore, the target scattering mechanism is
% often modeled by a 2x2 radar cross section (RCS) matrix (also known as
% scattering matrix), whose diagonal terms specify how the target scatters
% the energy into the original H and V polarization component and off
% diagonal terms specify how the target scatters the energy into the
% opposite polarization component.
% Because the transmit and receive antennas can have any combination of
% polarizations, it is often of interest to look at the polarization
% signature for a target for different polarization configurations. The
% signature plots the received power under different polarizations as a
% function of the tilt angle and the ellipticity angle of the transmit
% polarization ellipse. This can also be seen as a measure of the effective
% RCS. Two most widely used polarization signatures (also known as
% polarization responses), are co-polarization (co-pol) response and cross
% polarization (cross-pol) response. Co-pol response uses the same
% polarization for both transmit and receive while the cross-pol response
% uses the orthogonal polarization to receive.
% The simplest target is a sphere, whose RCS matrix is given by [1 0;0 1],
% meaning that the reflected polarization is the same as the incident
% polarization. The polarization signature for a sphere is given by

s = eye(2);
subplot(211); polsignature(s,'c');
subplot(212); polsignature(s,'x');

% From the plot, it can be seen that for such a target, a linear
% polarization, where the ellipticity angle is 0, generates the maximum
% return in a co-pol setting while a circular polarization, where the
% ellipticity angle is either 45 or -45 degrees, generates the maximum
% return in a cross-pol configuration.
% A more complicated target is a dihedral, which is essentially a corner
% that reflects the wave twice, as shown in left side of the following
% sketch:
% <<../PolarizationExample_dihedral.png>>
% The right side of the above figure shows how the polarization field
% changes along the two reflections. After the two reflections, the
% horizontal polarization component remains the same while the vertical
% polarization component is reversed. Hence, its cross section matrix and
% polarization signature are give by

s = [1 0;0 -1];
subplot(211); polsignature(s,'c')
subplot(212); polsignature(s,'x')

% The signature shows that the circular polarization works best in a co-pol
% setting while 45-degree linear polarization works best in a cross-pol
% situation.

%% Simulation of Polarized Signal Propagation Using Antenna and Target
% Putting everything together, the polarized signal is first transmitted by
% an antenna, then bounces off a target, and finally gets received at the
% receive antenna. Next is a simulation for this signal flow.
% The simulation assumes a vertical dipole as the transmit antenna, a
% horizontal dipole as the receive antenna, and a target whose RCS matrix
% is [0 1;1 0], which flips the signal's polarization. For the illustration
% purpose, the propagation in free space is ignored because it does not
% affect the polarization. It is also assumed that the transmit antenna,
% the target, and the receive antenna are on a line along the transmit
% antenna's boresight. The local coordinate system is the same for the
% transmit antenna and the target. The receive antenna is facing the
% transmit antenna.

% Define transmit and antenna
txAntenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Z');
rxAntenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('AxisDirection','Y');
radiator = phased.Radiator('Sensor',txAntenna,'Polarization','Combined');
collector = phased.Collector('Sensor',rxAntenna,'Polarization','Combined');

% Simulate signal
[x,t] = helperPolarizationSignal;

% Incident and arriving angles
ang_tx = [0;0];
ang_tgt_in = [180;0];
ang_tgt_out = [0;0];
ang_rx = [0;0];

% Local coordinate system
lclaxes_tx = azelaxes(0,0);
lclaxes_tgt = lclaxes_tx;
lclaxes_rx = azelaxes(180,0);

% Define target
target = phased.RadarTarget('EnablePolarization',true,...
    'Mode','Bistatic','ScatteringMatrix',[0 1;1 0]);

% Simulate received signal
xt = radiator(x,ang_tx,lclaxes_tx);                          % radiate
xr = target(xt,ang_tgt_in,ang_tgt_out,lclaxes_tgt);          % reflect
y = collector(xr,ang_rx,lclaxes_rx);                         % collect


% Note that because the target flips the polarization components, the
% horizontally polarized antenna is able to receive the signal sent with a
% vertically polarized antenna.

%% Summary
% This example reviews the basic concepts of polarization and introduces
% how to analyze and model polarized antennas and targets using Phased
% Array System Toolbox.

%%filename: helperPolarizationSignalPlot

function helperPolarizationSignalPlot(t,x,y,rxpol)
% This function helperPolarizationSignalPlot is only in support of
% PolarizationExample. 

xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Amplitude (V)');
axis([0 1 -1.5 1.5]);
title('Transmitted signal with vertically polarized dipole');

yr = real(y);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Amplitude (V)');
ybound = max(1.5, max(abs(yr)));
axis([0 1 -ybound ybound]);
title(sprintf('Received signal with %s polarized dipole',rxpol));


function helperPolarizationView(Ein)
% This function helperPolarizationView is only in support of
% PolarizationExample. 
%   Copyright 2012-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
Ein = Ein/norm(Ein);

fs = 50;
t = 0:1/fs:1;
fc = 3e8;
c = 3e8;
lambda = c/fc;
k = 2*pi/lambda;
omega = 2*pi/0.5;  % 2 rotation per second
dx = 0.01;
x = 0:dx:2;

npts = numel(x);
s_z = real(exp(1i*(omega*t(1)-k*x))*Ein(2));
s_y = real(exp(1i*(omega*t(1)-k*x))*Ein(1));

text(1,0,1.9,'Poincare Sphere','FontWeight','bold')
subplot(2,3,[1 2 4 5]);
haxis_y = line([0 0],[-1.2 2.3],[0 0],'Color','k');
haxis_z = line([0 0],[0 0],[-1.2 1.2],'Color','r');
haxis_x = line([-0.2 3.2],[0 0],[0 0],'Color','b');
axis([-0.5 3.5 -1.5 2.5 -1.5 1.5]);
hline_y = line(x,s_y,zeros(1,npts),'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','Color','k');
hline_z = line(x,zeros(1,npts),s_z,'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','Color','r');
hline_p = line(x,s_y,s_z,'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','-','Color','b');

hvec = line([0 0],[0 s_y(1)],[0 s_y(2)],'LineStyle','-','Color','b','LineWidth',3);
hdot = line(0,s_y(1),s_y(2),'Marker','.','Color','b','MarkerSize',30);
text(0,0,1.8,'H, V and Combined Fields','FontWeight','bold') 

axis off;
set(gca,'CameraPosition',[17.1879 -15.6238 13.0003],'CameraTarget',[1.27803 0.286092 0.00987012], 'CameraViewAngle', [6.94742])% CameraPosition = [17.1879 -15.6238 13.0003]

hellip_ax = gca;
set(hellip_ax,'XLimMode','manual','YLimMode','manual','Xlim',[-1 1],'YLim',[-1 1])
htrace = line(s_y(1),s_z(1),'Parent',hellip_ax,'Marker','.','Color','b','MarkerSize',30);


for m = 2:numel(t)
    s_z = real(exp(1i*(omega*t(m)-k*x))*Ein(2));
    s_y = real(exp(1i*(omega*t(m)-k*x))*Ein(1));
    set(hvec,'YData',[0 s_y(1)],'ZData',[0 s_z(1)]);

% [EOF]

%%filename: helperPolarizationSignal

function [x,t] = helperPolarizationSignal
% This function helperPolarizationSignal is only in support of
% PolarizationExample. 

fs = 100;
f = 5;
t = (0:1/fs:1-1/fs).';
x = sin(2*pi*f*t);

I can't open zip files on my smartphone. Can you attach the code according to the forum guide in the sticky post at the top of the forum section please?

Is the link to the physics theory site important to be able to modify the code?

Have you made an attempt to modify the code yet? If not, what stopped you attempting it?

i edited my post and saved the file as an ino. it is well commented and the physics site is helpful in understanding the code. i am a beginner in matlab but the code compiles. it is an example taken from the matlab website.

I can't open .ino files on my smartphone either. There's a reason why I asked you to read the forum guide.

i have posted the code as mentioned in the forum guidelines. thanks.

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Matlab code runs only within Matlab, or a similar interpreter, on a PC. Arduino is programmed using C/C++.

i am planning to run the code in matlab and output the result to arduino using specific add ons. for example arduino support from matlab

Have fun.

I am confused now about what you want to do. At first I thought you intended to translate the MATLAB code into Arduino C/C++. What's the plan? Which specific add ons would be useful?

1 Like

i would like to run the code in matlab. i am trying to find out how i should change the code so that it runs in matlab on the arduino. there is also another add on that i am trying to use. MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware

Not possible. You could translate the Matlab code to C/C++, and possibly run that on some Arduino.

Did you see post #6?

MATLAB does not run on an Arduino. But maybe you could translate the MATLAB code into Arduino C/C++. This might require quite a large effort. What would be the advantage of running it on Nano?

i am trying to output the results from matlab to an arduino using add ons. thanks.

Sorry, you are not making any sense. Come back after you have had time to buy the Nano and learned how to use it.

Ok, so what outputs would you send to the Nano and what would the Nano do with them?

1 Like

i don't own a nano yet. i would like to own one. i just wanted to see in advance if i could change the code to output to the nano. thanks.

ok thanks a lot.

According to the page you linked

Connect and communicate with an Arduino board over a USB cable or wirelessly over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, using MATLAB

Nano (classic) does not have wi-fi or Bluetooth, but it can certainly communicate to a PC over USB (Serial/UART). The Nano would appear as a COM port on Windows or as a serial device like /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux.

I can't help changing your MATLAB code to output to the Nano. Maybe someone on the forum is familiar with MATLAB code, I would not be surprised if there were forum members who use MATLAB regularly.

thanks a lot for your help.

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