hi everbody,
i want to measure a differentialpressure sensor and this one has a Signal of 4ma-20ma.
i got a controllino and measure it with a 220Ohm resistor, but the range is too small.
again i search the internet to solve the problem and this time i found something (CJMCU-3247).
maybe somone knows this little converter an could tell me if its good.
power: 7-30v
Input: the sensor with 4ma-20ma
output: signal with 0v-24V (adjustable)
i think i can convert the input current signal 4ma-20ma to voltage signal 2v-12v, am i right?!?
i hope somone think the same or have experience.
Best regards
i got a controllino and measure it with a 220Ohm resistor, but the range is too small.
You might be better off with something like this: 4-20-ma-current-loop-receiver
THX, but
i found many of this thing, but i want it cheaper
and i think this CJMCU-3247 is sufficient.
My question was about experience and/or confirmation of my guess.
thx, greetings
i think this CJMCU-3247 is sufficient.
Ok, yes, they are cheap enough to try.
Since there is no circuit diagram it is difficult to say what the trimmers do - hopefully one will be offset and the other gain.
Please let us know if it works out OK, the info may be useful to others.
A 250Ω resistor should do the job. 20 mA produces 5V, 4 mA 0.8V.
One wire of the signal to one end of the resistor and an analog pin; the other wire to the other end of the resistor and the Arduino GND.
Did the CJMCU board work? I'm trying to sense 4-20mA signal as well. Thanks.
yes it works, I tested it with a piezoresistive pressure transmitter, hear you get more details about it CJMCU-3247 current-to-voltage converter module