Ckeck SD Card in use

Dear all,
I have a Arduino Mega which has a SD Card connected. Now I would like to use a Arduino Nano which is checking if the SD Card is in use. Does anyone know how to check if Datas will be read from the SD Card?

some SD modules have CD (card detect) pin

Thanks for your reply. But in my opinion with the CD pin you can only check if a SD Card is inserted, not if datas will be still read - or not?

If the SD card is the only thing occupying the SPI bus, I guess you could tap into the SCK line. If it stops pulsing for a second, it's most likely that the card is unbusy.

If it's shared with something else, maybe tapping into the CS line instead; well... assuming that the library actually pulls it high as soon as it stops interacting with the card.