Clarification regarding communication

I am using an ESP32 development board.

This board is receiving sensor data via SCL SDA pins and sending data to a touch LCD via Tc Rx pins, and receiving data as well from that LCD.

The data being sent by the touch LCD (signal of touch of button) I want to send to one more ESP32 development board, and I also want this other esp32 board to receive same sensor data via SCL SDA puns.

Why I am doing this?
The first ESP 32 board is externally powered via Vin pin, and the second is powered only through the computer. I want to keep computer and LCD isolated, because first I was having only one ESP board doing both, and somehow the external power supply connected to Vin damaged my computer (which is expensive to repair).

My question -

If I connect the SCL, SDA, Tx,Rx pins of both boards, would that do the job?
I need computer isolated from external power source, I want to read sensor data on both boards, I want to receive communication from LCD on both boards, but I am worried that communication from first ESP32 board to LCD would also go to the second esp32 board and do something wrong.

It should work, with I2c, SPI or serial. But check the ESP-NOW wireless protocol. WIth that you can connect both ESP32 boards point to point and has a good range. It will simplify your setup.

But, if your power supply destroyed your USB port you should solve that also, or you could have more problem. Maybe add some overvoltage and overcurrent protection with resatable fuses, etc.

Thanks, that's actually a good idea. With wireless communication I can completely isolate the two boards.

One question.

Why did my earlier setup with just one ESP board connected to both external power supply and computer damage my laptop keyboard keys and usb port?

I had mistakenly set the voltage to Vin to 3.3V instead of 5V, and then the problem happened. Now when I have set the Vin voltage to 5.11V, now I am having slight hanging of mouse. Which is why I want to keep computer and board as much isolated as possible.

Interestingly, yesterday I suddenly noticed that although I was able to send communication to write sketches to esp32 module via the com3, I was not able to receive any serial communication.

So I tested an Arduino namo, but the nano worked fine.

I agree. Using 2x ESP to protect your PC from external power is a crazy idea. Protect the PC in a proper way, and only one ESP will be needed.

Give more details about the external power supply and the model of ESP board you are using the forum can suggest ways to properly protect the PC. It may be as simple as a diode or a MOSFET.

It's a 30pin esp32 development board.

I had a 12V power supply followed by a buck convertor followed by the development board.

I had asked the question about this problem in a seperate post, but that account was managed from my laptop which has gone bad so I made this new account here to access this forum.

Below is a block diagram.

Setting the buck to 3.3V and connecting it to Vin is how your laptop was damaged.
The ESP board is probably now also damage so I would not use it untill you did some testing.

With that board, the safest way to use it is to use only one power source at a time.

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Ok, I'll procure more ESP32 boards.

And next set up I'll isolate the board connected to the computer and use wireless communication to get information from the other board.

One question:
If I put a forward biased diode between the buck convertor and the esp32 connected to computer, is that likely to help?

Also, please explain what exactly happened when I set the buck convertor to 3.3V?

My car is red. What size tyres does it need?

Documentation for the board is a little scarce but as far as I know the USB bus voltage is connected through a diode to Vin. If the voltage on Vin is less than the USB bus voltage you can have large currents flowing from the USB port to Vin.
USB bus voltage is around 5V, so any voltage less than that on Vin will cause current to flow the wrong way.

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I really wouldn't know too many specifics of this piece, so attaching this picture, hope it is readable.

Thank you for explaining that.
Never connecting another microcontroller to two power sources again.

This does not look good!

Apart from that, you need to find it's internal schematic to figure out how to safely connect an external power supply.

This is just a piece I am not using. But it's from the same stock which is giving trouble.

Well, with some it perfectly OK with that particular board, one source at a time is the safest way.

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