Hey All, Noobie here.
Most references say to put "libraries" in My Documents/Arduino. My Arduino IDE put "libraries" in Program Files/Arduino automatically.
I'm running Ver.1.8.0 on a laptop with Windows 7. I'm getting many errors ('myMotor' does not name a type) that I think are related to libraries location.
Where should it be (for my situation)?
Thanks man. You've answered my question. Although, you gotta wonder why the IDE puts it in the wrong spot. ?? I will move my libraries and continue on. Cheers.
My understanding is that Arduino's system prevents user-added libraries from being overwritten when the IDE is upgraded.
OK, here's what I learned. The system seems to work OK no matter which of those two locations you put the "libraries" in ... but there must be, at least, an empty directory called "libraries" in Program Files/Arduino.
Now getting to my actual problem, which was, " 'myMotor' does not name a type ". There were many other threads for this problem but no definitive solution. Library location was a "red herring" ... ah, how to say ... a wild goose chase. If you get this error, I'd say that it just means that something (syntax) is wrong. And you should double check everything.
Anyway, have a look at the 2 sections of code below. The first one shows the error. The second one compiles fine. It's all about those squiggly brackets. (Ignore the ill-logic. I was just happy to get a compile.)
Thanks for replying gents.
void moveStop()
// motor2.run(RELEASE);
void moveForward()
if (!goesForward)
void moveStop()
// motor2.run(RELEASE);
void moveForward()
if (!goesForward)