Clas Ohlson sockets, 433Mhz, Home Easy - all switched ON when just 1 wanted

Hi! I've question about Home Easy sockets. Problem is that when I trye to set ON to socket A, then all other 2 sockets B and C will switch also ON. Why..?

I bought 3 sockets from ClasOhlson (white set with three socket, PER-1500). First I read codes of my remote (it has 3 buttons ON, 3 buttons OFF and one ALL OFF) by using code from Barnaby Gray 12/2008 and Peter Mead 09/2009, it worked fine I think as I got results like

sender 7439138
no group
recipient 0

sender 7439138
no group
recipient 1

... and so on. Then I tried this with sample code which has functions like transmit(int blnOn, int txPin), void sendPair(boolean b), void sendBit(boolean b, int txPin), void setHEDevice(int integer), void itob(unsigned long integer, int length), like here

pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
delay(100); // not sure if this needed
Serial.println("Setup starting..");
HomeEasy homeEasy;
homeEasy = HomeEasy();
// this should switch first socket ON?
setHEDevice(0); //Set destination home easy device (first device, 0)
itob(7439138,0); //Sender code from remote control - changed this to match mine

// this should switch just second socket ON? not all?
setHEDevice(1); //Set destination home easy device (first device, 0)
itob(7439138,0); //Sender code from remote control - changed this to match mine

I am just begun to program Arduino, so I wonder if this is caused by some bad programming...
Also question, how to generate extra remote control codes without having remote control?

Just information, everything works fine with this :slight_smile:

I'm doing arduino mega to have web interface, and also feeding to cosm (works ok), and maybe same time 2.4ghz connections (at least receiving) fromm other arduinos (not yet tried same time when there is 5100 network, 433mhz module and temperature sensors, hopefully not any conflicts)