Class: Dont have a member called ...

Hello, i have made some changes to the LiquidCrystal library, i made it with Gedit in mi Linux machine, i hace put the Library into the arduino Library folder and when i try to use my function in the code, gcc say that there is no member called my function name.

I have added this to the standar library:

into LiquidCrystal.h

virtual void write(uint8_t);
virtual void write(const char *str);
void autoCenter(bool);
bool autoCenter();
void clearLine(uint8_t);

into LiquidCrystal.cpp

void LiquidCrystal::autoCenter(bool autocenter) {
_autocenter = autocenter;
bool LiquidCrystal::autoCenter(void) {

The problem comes when i try to use the function of autocenter, it say that there is no method iun the class and i am comparing with the others methods and is equal...

Can you post at least the part of the sketch that tries to use the autoCenter member, and the EXACT error message.

bool LiquidCrystal::autoCenter(void) {

i'm not sure you need the void in the cpp - but yes - let's have a look the context, please post some more code and the errors you get...

Thank you for your interest, but now it is working fine, i think that the problem was at the names i put to the original folder and the modified folder, because when i completely remove from /Arduino/Librarys/ the original folder, the enviroment was capable of compiling with the new functions.

I had the original library into /Arduino/Librarys/LiquidCrystal_old

and the new /Arduino/Librarys/Liquidcrystal

but the files has the same name for the to librarys and i suppose that gcc look for the file name everywhere into Librarys/ and do not matter where the file is.

Thank you for all, i will post the modified library as soon as I test it completely.