Class templating and serial baud rate

From my background in Java I am familiar with generic data types but I am not used to the c++ syntax yet.

I wrote the most basic implementation of a circular buffer

template <class T> class RingBuffer{
  public :
  RingBuffer(int capacity);
  void add(T value);
  T peekLifo(int index); //Index 0 newest added item....
  T poll();
  private :
  int capacity;
  int currentIndex; //Index of the last added item
  T values[]; //Array to save values
  int calculateIndexLifo(int index); // index shifted to the left of the last added item. 

template <class T>
RingBuffer<T>::RingBuffer(int capacity){
  this.capacity = capacity;
  values = new T[capacity];

template<class T>
int RingBuffer<T>::calculateIndexLifo(int index){
  //Do we need to wrap the index around?
  if(currentIndex - index  >= 0) {
    return currentIndex-index;
  } else{
      //we need to wrap around (maybe multiple times). TODO test implementation
      return calculateIndexLifo(currentIndex - (index%capacity)); 

template <class T>
void RingBuffer<T>::add(T value){
   //Wrap around if we are out of bounds
  if( (currentIndex + 1) > capacity){
    currentIndex = 0;
  values[currentIndex] = value;  

template <class T>
T RingBuffer<T>::peekLifo(int index){
  return values[calculateIndexLifo(index)];


RingBuffer<long> s1RevEvents = new RingBuffer<long>(5) ;

Trying to create an object falis with the following error message:

"warning: invalid conversion from 'RingBuffer*' to 'int' [-fpermissive] RingBuffer s1RevEvents = new RingBuffer(5) ;".

Without object creation the code compiles just fine. Where did In go wrong and why does the compiler talk about long and int?

An unrelated second question regarding baud rates. What happens if I want to send more data than my current rate supports? e.g. a loop with only serial.print(0) in it. Is there a stack in the background which will try to send all the cached values on best effort basis or will too much data be discarded? I am asking because I don't want my sensor data to eventually start to lag if the application is running for some time.

Edit: There is most likely a simple index error as currentIndex actually points to the next free space. But this is not really the issue here :wink:

My mistake was trying to initialize the object like in java using the new keyword.
Correct usage was

RingBuffer<long> name(5);

The question about the baud rate still exits :wink:

There's a serial buffer that holds characters yet to go to the UART. If you fill it up, serial.print blocks waiting for space. IIRC, it's 64 bytes, at least on small Arduinos - don't know if it varies.

Thank you

  T values[]; //Array to save values

How many values can you save in the array? Any answer other than 0 is WRONG.

all your vars are ints

forget the templates
start with a class

//add to head get from tail
class R_Buff
  bool add_to_head(something_to_add);  //if buffer full return false
  bool get_tail(send_somewhere);    //check if empty
  uint16_t head;
  uint16_t tail;
  uint16_t elements;

R_Buff Buffer[5]    <--- array of buffers
R_Buff MyBuff    <----single buffer object

forget the templates
start with a class

unless you want a template class...

PaulS points out that the array size must be defined.

OP's not far off...

unless you want a template class...
