Well, hello to all the Giga R1 folks. I have an easy question for someone please. I'm new to the Gigs R1 with display. I have a bunch of the code working. But I am baffled at how to clear a display.print message that I put on the Giga touch display. Ill include some of my code and explain. This is probably going to be easy and I'm going to look like a dummy as usual.
while (status != WL_CONNECTED && connected == false) // attempting to connect to WiFi network:
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
display.setCursor(275,420); //x,y
display.setTextSize(3); //adjust text size
display.print("Attempting WiFi Connection"); //This works fine
Attempts ++;
if (Attempts >= 2)
connected = true;// a boolean exp I set as false at the beginning
rgb.on(255,0,0); //turn on the red LED to show that the WiFi failed to connect
display.setCursor(275,420); //x,y location
display.setTextSize(3); //adjust text size
display.print("WiFi Not Connected"); //print this in the x,y location
This last line of code prints "WiFi Not Connected" as expected, but above I'm having the display show "attempting wifi connection" in the same exact x,y location and the display just kinds pastes the two over each other. How do I clear the last display.print so that only the new display .print shows.
Thank you for your help.
As always I appreciate your expertise and apologies for my ignorance. Im still learning