Client Wants to Record with sequence , Help Please

I have a client who is willing to pay for a trade show booth, and they really want some functionality.

Basically they want to record video of people asking a question to a camera, but it has to be some what interactive. So they came up with the brilliant idea of talking into a payphone. Monitor so the viewer can see some instructions and themselves. Here are the sequences and things that they need.

They want the payphone to have a monitor on top with a camera, push button start.


  1. Guy walks into booth
  2. Picks up Phone
  3. Presses red Blinking Button on phone
  4. Monitor gives a 30 second instruction video
  5. Guys gets 30 Seconds to answer and records his question
  6. Hangs up phone and walks out
  7. We can download all videos on a SD

Please help me pull this design portion off. It would really be a turning point in my promotional Business. I just want you to know that I am not completely brain dead to electronics.

You need a Raspberry Pi.

I was assuming so, you think a raspberry Pi will be reliable enough? should I post this on the rpi forums?

Sounds simple enough.
Just monitor the thingy on which the handset sits. The one that breaks the line when you put the handset down.
Once you detect the phone is lifted, start recording and when the phone is placed back stop it.
It shouldn't take more than a few lines of code.
Hardware is simple too. You'll need a camera that can be controlled via an outside trigger (unless you are willing to open it to access the contacts of the original buttons).
Instructional video should also be simple if you have a device that can replay the video.
So, what hardware are you working with?

Chilli, no need for RPi, just bypass Arduino when it comes to the video.

Thank you for your response!

Ok things change fast, They just want a monitor and push button. The phone would have been fun, but oh well, saves me time.

I don't have any hardware at the moment, so I can go out and buy what ever I need to make this happen.

You still have to make sure the recording stops once the visitor is done. From my own experience with people, you can't rely on them to push the button when they're done.
One simple solution would be an ultrasound sensor to detect presence in the vicinity of the camera. It would also serve to stop recording if nobody is around.

Your first step is to get a camera that:

  • can be powered by an external power supply (no battery only operation)
  • can be triggered easily (IR remote or wired trigger are both fine)
  • has the support for external microphone (even high end cameras like Canon 5D Mk III have poor built in microphones and you don't want crappy sound)
  • has relatively good low light characteristics (my understanding is that this will be indoors, so you'll need extra lighting anyway)
  • has live video output compatible with whatever monitor you'll use

motion sensor.
floor mat with contact ? (common device for front doors)

video camera, or laptop with web cam
video on the monitor/flat panel

attendee walks in, steps on the mat, the arduino starts the intro sequence
the attendee presses the button, watches the video.
lights change to indicate it is time for them to talk,
recording starts.
recording ends when they (pick one : press end button / step off the mat, / 30 second time out

Although this is possible to learn, there is a section on this forum that allows you to post to get professional help with the software, hardware, or whatever.

Chilli, no need for RPi, just bypass Arduino when it comes to the video.

If you use a Raspberry Pi, you can plug a web cam in directly, or via USB and do everything on one unit, including recording the output to disk.

We need to know the desired video quality.
I would assume that the client is planning to use parts of the video for his promotional purposes, in which case the quality of the image from a webcam might be inadequate.
Next issue is the compression. If you want good quality video you must either store the raw data, which takes up a lot of storage, or do some on the go compression. I have no idea if RPi is capable of doing it.

On video capability the GPU on the Pi is quite something. Whether the libraries are around to do exactly what the OP wants is another question but it can handle full 1040p video.

Who about using a PC, a web cam and a microphone. Easy simple quick (almost every one has all the above) and all the software is already there.


Wow, thank you for the quick responses! Sorry I have been away from my computer for a bit. Now im back in full swing.

I think the easiest thing to do and not over complicate the system, is just to have someone press a button with a monitor they can view. I would love to use a computer, it is just that this will most likely be moving around trade shows around the world (space saving and simplicity is key).

Person walks into booth (tardis)
Presses button
a quick video plays
then the person sees themselves on the screen and they ask a quick question while being recorded.
Recording stops and it auto saves.
person leaves booth.

Granted the proximity sensor is a really neat idea. Especially because its a confined space.

As far as quality, this will be used for promotional purposes. Obviously 1080p is ideal, but 720p would work too.

I cant express how grateful I am for your help

Thank you

So sad news and also good news. My client decided they didn't want to pony up the cash anymore. This happens more times then I would like with this specific client, but other aspecs of the business they give me is great.

I wish I could personally thank each one of you for taking the time out of your day to help a complete stranger. But thank you all so much, I hope we can converse in these forums over a more entertaining project in the future.

Thanks again,
