I am going to be starting a project soon hopefully. It is a RGB LED clock hat has the LEDs arranged like a 7 segment display. Three 74HC595 and three would control each segment. I am just not sure what would be the best way to control the display. Internally through the arduino or with a clock chip such as the DS1307. Also I am not sure how to sent that data to the shift registers to control the digits.
This would be my first major project and only project so far with the arduino.
Color changing would be done with MOSFETs on common cathode LEDs. All LEDs will be the same color.
Something a bit like this to control the LEDs. Just 3 Segments of one didgit drawn also each LED would get a resistor. (My circuit drawings are not that great.)
Basically you put the data on the output pin, write a high then a low to the pin connected to the clock and then at the end (when the shift register is full) you sent the pin connected to the latch high and low.
I've just done something silimar myself with a DS1307 and an RGB LED Matrix. The time scrolls across the display in different colours. All controlled with 74HC595's. The ShiftOut tutorial on the website is useful for learning how to use the 595's. They are dead easy to operate.
I've just done something silimar myself with a DS1307 and an RGB LED Matrix. The time scrolls across the display in different colours. All controlled with 74HC595's. The ShiftOut tutorial on the website is useful for learning how to use the 595's. They are dead easy to operate.
I have seen your videos on Instructables and Youtube. They are quite nice and I do like the RGB matrix displays. I have never used a arduino before so there might be a bit of a large learning curve.
Just ordered an Arduino starter kit from adafruit.com. I was a little disappointed when make rereleased the Arduino starter kit. I was going to get it because of the book "Getting Started with Arduino" but Ill just get it locally. Also to I have ordered from Limor before and I and had great service.
I changed the layout of the LEDs now going for 24HR instead of 12HR. Now it is another 74HC595 and DS1307. I think ill make a chaser when it reaches the hours.
If you are multiplexing them then not all LEDs are on at any one time. To find the maximum current only add up the current contribution for one row of LEDs, the others will be off.
If you are multiplexing them then not all LEDs are on at any one time. To find the maximum current only add up the current contribution for one row of LEDs, the others will be off.
For one digit with all seven segments lit up with one color would be around 280mA. With all of the colors lit up would be 840mA. I have never done multiplexing before or know exactly how to do it. My guess is adjusting the code on the shift registers to only do one shift register at a time instead and cycle them instead of all 4 at once?
Also too my Arduino Duemilanove starter kit should be here tomorrow. If USP is going to be nice and deliver a day early since it is already at their warehouse or they could just wait till their scheduled delivery time for Wednesday. :(, or just drive by after work and pick it up if I can do warehouse pick up.
I also need to start ordering LEDs and parts. I would like to have the LEDs mounted and mostly working by early or mid July. I already have a piece of 1/4" birch ply to mount the LED holders in. Maybe my friend can laser cut the holes so I don't have to drill them myself.
I have only had it out of the box for less than 30 minutes and started having a problem. The problem is that when if fist went to upload a sketch it worked doing just the basic blink sketch. That worked fine on my computer. When I tried it on another computer with the same sketch it did not write a sketch it just took a while till it finally said.
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51
Power LED is lit and RX and TX blink for a few seconds when I plug it in, and the onboard LED for 13 blinks very dim a few times.
It also says and does this now on the first computer I used even with renaming com ports and restarting computer.
Duemilanove w/328
OS Vista 32
latest FTDI driver
Arduino 0016
I just got this I don't know if it can be sent back?
Well seeing as how it worked on your first computer you can't send it back - it worked when they sent it to you.
99.99% of the time this problem is caused by... wrong COM port selected, wrong board selected, or just needing a computer reset after installing the drivers.
COM2 USB Serial Port (in device manager)
COM2 selected in Arduino IDE
Sometimes uploading the blink sketch RX blinks TX does not blink and L lights up and stays on till I hit reset button on board or unplug the USB.
Still giving the same error.
I am borrowing a arduino to start writing my code and this leads back to my original topic. How can I read the RTC and output the time on the shift registers? An am working with this library for the DS1307, it displays the time in the serial monitor updating every second.