clock servo

Hey guys, first time poster here, so go easy :slight_smile: I'm pretty new to the arduino, but have some background in DIY analog. I had this project idea and need to use Arduino for it, so I'm learning fast! I need to control a series of servos that operate like a clock with 2 independent arms. I have a decent idea of how I would control 1 servo, but I can't find a servo with 2 independent arms, nor can I figure out quite how to program it. I've seen some guides on controlling 2 independent servos, but I want 1 with 2 arms. Any help?

Do you want two arms with a common pivot, like the hands of a clock? I think the way to do that is to use nested shafts, like on a clock. The middle shaft would be connected to one servo and the outer shaft would be connected to another. What range of motion do you need from the 'arms'?

yeah, that's exactly what I'm looking for. I need 360 continuous motion. I'd imagine they make nested servos for clocks to do exactly this, right? I saw a blog post somewhere that showed how to code a clock with hour, minute, and second hands, but they didn't say where they got the servo for it.

If you want unlimited continuous revolutions you don't want hobby servos. You probably want stepper motors.

Can you provide a pointer to the blog post you are trying to emulate?