cm accurate location via RFID


I want to locate a non-moving object on a small surface (<1m²).

The object will be placed on the surface. The location process will begin with the object being still.

I am planning to use RFID like this:

  • Create a 5x5 RFID-reader (25 readers) area connected by I2C bus to the Arduino.
  • Compare the strengh of the signals to determine precisely where the object is located.

What hardware should I use?
I was thinking about RC522s as readers with an Arduino (don't know which one) a breadboard and cables.

Do I need a power supply for the breadboard?
Do I need an IO extension Module for I2C?

Thank you for your help!

PS: I also thought of using a sonar to localise but this isn't the prime idea.

Welcome to the forum.

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Can you tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

What do you know about the range and sensing area of RFID systems?
Look up the specs of the RFID unit and see if it can supply signal strength as well as ID code.

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

I know the basics of electronics and I've used Arduino very few. I know programming pretty well (C, C++, Java) As I don't really know what you mean by hardware experience, I would say not much experience.

The object won't be farther than 10cm from the readers, so UHF or UWB readers should be good. I've read that UWB might be better suited, but I don't know wich module to choose.

I will look that up.

Thanks for the reply.

The RC522 doens't seem to return either, be it signal strengh or ID code.

Locating things accurately without a tape measure (or equivalent) is not simple. If it was you could buy cheap devices on EBay.

A camera looking down on the table and image procession software might be more effective - but that is well beyond the capability of an Arduino.

I wonder if it could be done with the cheap ESP32-CAM. It can do facial recognition and it can be programmed with the Arduino IDE.


So in short, it ain't going to happen. :astonished:

It may have been covered by others, but I am not at all sure what even happens if you place two RC522 units adjacent, let alone nine of them. :roll_eyes:

Do you think it would also be impossible with Ultra-Wide Band tech?

So in short, it ain't going to happen. :astonished:

It may have been covered by others, but I am not at all sure what even happens if you place two RC522 units adjacent, let alone nine of them. :roll_eyes:

I've has two adjacent to each other as part of a game. No problem or interference.

OP- there is theoretically no limit to the number of I2C devices that you can put on one I2C bus as long as they are individually addressed.

The Arduino-compatible PIXY camera is inexpensive and recognizes variously colored blobs.

It seems perfect for your application, whereas RFID is totally unsuitable.

OP- there is theoretically no limit to the number of I2C devices that you can put on one I2C bus as long as they are individually addressed.

...with seven bit addresses