I am making a cnc mill at the moment, and I would like to use Arduino to control it in addition to mach3. That way I can easily manually move the mill without having to uce gcode.
The controller board which I have is here:
The limit switches are these ones:
, 1 for each axis
The manual interface has these inputs on DA15 connector
X Step
X Enable
Spindle Motor
X Dir
Y Enable
Z Dir
Z Step
Z Enable
Y Limit
Z Limit
Y Dir
Y Step
Then I was thinking about using a wiimote of some sort to control it:
or maybe the classic one
So I need to controll x,y,z axis start/stop spindle and set home. Which buttons/joystick would be logical to do this?
Would u recomand getting an extension cable or the pcb that sparkfun sell to hook up the Wii controller? http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.19116
And I need a display to show the position, which one?
Finally i need to hook it all up to the arduino, should I buy a shield at sparkfun to this? I have arduino duemille nove and mega laying around.
Any tips how to get the machine up running.