CNC control

I am making a cnc mill at the moment, and I would like to use Arduino to control it in addition to mach3. That way I can easily manually move the mill without having to uce gcode.

The controller board which I have is here:

The limit switches are these ones:
, 1 for each axis

The manual interface has these inputs on DA15 connector
X Step
X Enable
Spindle Motor
X Dir
Y Enable
Z Dir
Z Step
Z Enable
Y Limit
Z Limit
Y Dir
Y Step

Then I was thinking about using a wiimote of some sort to control it:

or maybe the classic one

So I need to controll x,y,z axis start/stop spindle and set home. Which buttons/joystick would be logical to do this?

Would u recomand getting an extension cable or the pcb that sparkfun sell to hook up the Wii controller?

And I need a display to show the position, which one?
Finally i need to hook it all up to the arduino, should I buy a shield at sparkfun to this? I have arduino duemille nove and mega laying around.

Any tips how to get the machine up running.

Go to the exhibition section and start looking at all the CNC projects there. Also do a google search on CNC projects.

Have you thought about an old NES controller, you got X & Y and the A and B buttons for Z, the START button for start/stop and SELECT for set home.
People have connected them up before so some work is (kind of) done for you.

nes controllers are dead easy, playstation controllers have been done a zillion times too, tho much more complex due to its serial communications

not anything against the wimote, its been done a ton too, but just tossing out options

So i guess I will go ahead and by the wii classic
I am using the reprap software, need to slightly modify it to allow input from the wii mote. Sorry, can't seem to find anything with arduino cnc wii on google.. So I guess I have to try it out myself..