I am trying to use gcode for my cnc project. I am using bellow programming for fetching and executing gcode by Dan.
No, I have 1 problem in 3rd step that "parsenumber" can not be used as function.
Here is my code.
#define BAUD (9600) // How fast is the Arduino talking?
#define MAX_BUF (64) // What is the longest message Arduino can store?
char buffer[MAX_BUF]; // where we store the message until we get a ';'
int sofar; // how much is in the buffer
* First thing this machine does on startup. Runs only once.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(BAUD); // open coms
help(); // say hello
int set_feedrate(200); // set default speed
* display helpful information
void help() {
Serial.print(F("CNC Robot "));
Serial.println(F("G00 [X(steps)] [Y(steps)] [F(feedrate)]; - linear move"));
Serial.println(F("G01 [X(steps)] [Y(steps)] [F(feedrate)]; - linear move"));
Serial.println(F("G04 P[seconds]; - delay"));
Serial.println(F("G90; - absolute mode"));
Serial.println(F("G91; - relative mode"));
Serial.println(F("G92 [X(steps)] [Y(steps)]; - change logical position"));
Serial.println(F("M18; - disable motors"));
Serial.println(F("M100; - this help message"));
Serial.println(F("M114; - report position and feedrate"));
* prepares the input buffer to receive a new message and
* tells the serial connected device it is ready for more.
void ready() {
sofar=0; // clear input buffer
Serial.print(F("> ")); // signal ready to receive input
* After setup() this machine will repeat loop() forever.
void loop() {
// listen for commands
if( Serial.available() ) { // if something is available
char c = Serial.read(); // get it
Serial.print(c); // optional: repeat back what I got for debugging
// store the byte as long as there's room in the buffer.
// if the buffer is full some data might get lost
if(sofar < MAX_BUF) buffer[sofar++]=c;
// if we got a return character (\n) the message is done.
if(c=='\n') {
Serial.print(F("\r\n")); // optional: send back a return for debugging
// strings must end with a \0.
float processCommand(); // do something with the command
* Read the input buffer and find any recognized commands. One G or M command per line.
void processCommand() {
// look for commands that start with 'G'
int parsenumber=0;
int cmd=parsenumber('G',-1);
switch(cmd) {
case 0: // move in a line
case 1: // move in a line
line( parsenumber('X',(mode_abs?px:0)) + (mode_abs?0:px),
parsenumber('Y',(mode_abs?py:0)) + (mode_abs?0:py) );
// case 2: // clockwise arc
// case 3: // counter-clockwise arc
case 4: pause(parsenumber('P',0)*1000); break; // wait a while
case 90: mode_abs=1; break; // absolute mode
case 91: mode_abs=0; break; // relative mode
case 92: // set logical position
position( parsenumber('X',0),
parsenumber('Y',0) );
default: break;
// look for commands that start with 'M'
switch(cmd) {
case 18: // turns off power to steppers (releases the grip)
case 100: help(); break;
case 114: where(); break; // prints px, py, fr, and mode.
default: break;
// if the string has no G or M commands it will get here and the Arduino will silently ignore it