Cnc grbl marlin

Hello everyone I'm new in the forum I would like to ask a question if possible, I would need to change the 8 to 16 bit pwm in the firmware marlin or grbl, I do not even know if the section is the right one forgive me, you can help me or direct me to do it, I have a self-made laser machine and replaced his eletgronica with arduino mega 2560, thanks in advance

How are you planning the make the Mega do 16 bit PWM?

Hello actually I do not know why I read information about the timers 3 and 4 that can handle the 16-bit pwm, only that on the firmware marlin or grbl I do not know how to tell him

The Marlin program is a very large and complex piece of software. If you want help with modifying it you should ask the authors, or at least ask on a Forum where people are familiar with the Marlin code.

This Arduino Forum is intended for helping people solve problems with programs that they write themselves.
