Well now I work with Arduino on a CNC machine and CNC shield wire I X and Y their works perfectly . ( I use G- code sender TO ORDER THESE Two Engines )
Whether the problem is the ax Z is command by a pneumatic energy ( Cylinders ELECTROVANNE ... ) Who are controllable relay WITH moduls relay
my question is Is That I can USE CNC my shield and Relay Module for Controler my ax Z. Knowing That relay is Powers by a voltage of 5 V.
I tried for the 5V connected / GND From CNC shield VCC / GND But nothing happened.
I thought the GCode Sender was a program on a PC to send GCode to an Arduino?
If that is correct then there must be a program on the Arduino to interpret the GCode and make the motors move. That is the program we need to know about.
If I am wrong about the GCode Sender pleas post a link to its documentation.