Code and Serial monitor different

Hi Guys,
I am trying to upload a stream to COSM/PACHUBE.
COSM has allocated update feed ID 89514

I used the following code to assign the ID
const unsigned long feedID = 89514; // this is the ID of this feed
Using Serial Monitor
with the command:
I see 23978 displayed

However if I use say
const unsigned long feedID = 2900;
with the command:
I see 2900 displayed

I feel there is a problem with the data type somewhere
I have tried unsigned int as well but I go the same result
Anyone any idea what is wrong???
Thank you for your interest

Using Serial Monitor
with the command:
I see 23978 displayed

No, you don't, because client is not an instance of the HardwareSerial class, which is the only class that can write to the Serial Monitor.

Anyone any idea what is wrong???

Yes. You failed to post your code.

const unsigned long feedID  =  89514UL;

Thank you for your help

This worked fine

const unsigned long feedID = 89514UL;
