Hello Arduino community,
I am here today to get some informtion bout connecting 2 servo motors to the arduino uno bord and control them using a joystick. i imagine using one for the x-axis of the joystick and the other for the y-axis. i am very new to the arduino board and need to make a project quick can anyone help?
Hello Arduino community,
I am here today to get some informtion bout connecting 2 servo motors to the arduino uno bord and control them using a joystick. i imagine using one for the x-axis of the joystick and the other for the y-axis. i am very new to the arduino board and need to make a project quick can anyone help?
The first thing to do is get some practice running servos by examining examples like "Knob", then writing your own code for two servos using two pots.
Then it's a simple matter to connect a 2-axis resistive joystick in place of the pots to do what you want.
No one will write your code for you, but many of us will help you get it right.
Regarding the circuit, be sure to power the servos from a separate 5V supply and don't power them from the Arduino. Connect the signal pins of both servos to digital I/O pins on the Arduino, configured as inputs, then connect the power supply's ground to the Arduino's ground.
Connect the pots, or each pot of the joystick, with the end terminals to +5V and GND on the Arduino, and the centre terminals to analogue input pins on the Arduino.
Read the pots with 'analogRead()', which yields a result between 0 and 1023.
Use 'map(potval,0,1023,0,180)' to scale the result to 0 to 180 for the servos, then pass those values to 'Servo.write()' as shown in the "Knob" example, and Bob's your uncle. 
Edit: If you strike problems along the way, ask here and you will get plenty of help.
I am here today to get some informtion bout connecting 2 servo motors to the arduino uno bord and control them using a joystick. i imagine using one for the x-axis of the joystick and the other for the y-axis. i am very new to the arduino board and need to make a project quick can anyone help?
Are these normal hobby servos?
If so this thread should be helpful.