code compiled with warnings

Hello everyone

I executed a code, it compiled successfully but with warnings.How to avoid these warnings .

warnings are as follows

warning: iteration 15 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
valueall = value;
Users/sravankumarreddy/Documents/Arduino/DG1/DG1.ino:71:9: note: containing loop

  • for (int i=0; i <= 15; i++){*

  • ^ *
    actual program is
    #include <SFE_MicroOLED.h>
    #include <Wire.h> // Include Wire if you're using I2C
    #include <SPI.h> // Include SPI if you're using SPI

  • // Include the SFE_MicroOLED library*
    // MicroOLED Definition //
    #define PIN_RESET 9 // Connect RST to pin 9 (req. for SPI and I2C)
    #define PIN_DC 8 // Connect DC to pin 8 (required for SPI)
    #define PIN_CS 10 // Connect CS to pin 10 (required for SPI)
    #define DC_JUMPER 0
    // Also connect pin 13 to SCK and pin 11 to MOSI
    // MicroOLED Object Declaration //
    // Declare a MicroOLED object. The parameters include:
    // 1 - Reset pin: Any digital pin
    // 2 - D/C pin: Any digital pin (SPI mode only)
    // 3 - CS pin: Any digital pin (SPI mode only, 10 recommended)
    MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET, PIN_DC, PIN_CS);
    //MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET, DC_JUMPER); // Example I2C declaration
    // I2C is great, but will result in a much slower update rate. The
    // slower framerate may be a worthwhile tradeoff, if you need more
    // pins, though.
    String bluedata;
    String command;
    byte value;
    byte valueall[15];
    char valuechar[15];
    void setup()

  • Serial1.begin(9600);*

  • oled.begin(); // Initialize the OLED*

  • delay(1000);*

  • oled.clear(ALL); // Clear the display's internal memory*

  • oled.display(); // Display what's in the buffer (splashscreen)*

  • // Delay 1000 ms*

  • oled.clear(PAGE);*

  • oled.display();*

  • oled.setFontType(1);*

  • oled.setCursor(0, 0);*
    oled.print("ArduinoGlasses V1.0");
    oled.setCursor(0, 10);
    oled.setCursor(10, 30);
    // oled.clear(ALL);
    void loop()

  • delay(100);*

  • while(Serial1.available()) {*

  • value = (;*

  • if (value == 43 || value == 45){*

  • for (int i=0; i <= 15; i++){*

_ valueall = value;_
* value = (;*

* }*
* int a=0;*
_ String value = ((char*)valueall);_
* //oled.println(test.substring(0, 6));*

for (a=0; a <=15; a++){
* //oled.print(valueall[a]);*
* valuechar[a]=valueall[a];*
* //oled.print("-");*

oled.setCursor(0, 20);
//command = valuechar[1];command += valuechar[2];command += valuechar[3];command += valuechar[4]; // build number
if (valuechar[0] == 43 && valueall[7] == 49) oled.print("+");
if (valuechar[0] == 45 && valueall[7] == 49) oled.print("-");
if (valuechar[0] == 43 && valueall[7] == 41) oled.print("~");
if (valuechar[0] == 45 && valueall[7] == 41) oled.print("~");
if (valuechar[0] == 43 && valueall[7] == 17) oled.print("+");
if (valuechar[0] == 45 && valueall[7] == 17) oled.print("-");
if (valuechar[0] == 43 && valueall[7] == 9) oled.print("~");
if (valuechar[0] == 45 && valueall[7] == 9) oled.print("~");
if (valueall[6] == 49) oled.print(".");
if (valueall[6] == 50) oled.print(".");
if (valueall[6] == 52) oled.print(".");
oled.setCursor(0, 35);
if (valueall[9] == 64 && valueall[10] == 128) oled.print("mV");
if (valueall[9] == 0 && valueall[10] == 128) oled.print("V");
if (valueall[9] == 0 && valueall[10] == 32) oled.print("R");
if (valueall[9] == 32 && valueall[10] == 32) oled.print("K");
if (valueall[9] == 16 && valueall[10] == 32) oled.print("M");
if (valueall[9] == 0 && valueall[10] == 64) oled.print("A");
if (valueall[9] == 64 && valueall[10] == 64) oled.print("mA");
if (valueall[9] == 128 && valueall[10] == 64) oled.print("uA");
if (valueall[9] == 0 && valueall[10] == 2) oled.print("Grad C");
if (valueall[9] == 0 && valueall[10] == 1) oled.print("Grad F");
if (valueall[9] == 0 && valueall[10] == 8) oled.print("Hz");
* }*
* }*


After 11 posts, don't you think it about time that you help others to help you, and use code tags?

Your problem relates to array bounds.

for (a=0; a <=15; a++)

What will the largest value of variable a be ?

char valuechar[15];

How many values can valuechar[] hold and what are the indices to them ?


That delay is really needed? Seems counter-intuitive to me: "oh look, there's some input to
read so I'll go to sleep for 100,000 microseconds" - sounds like a recipe for input buffer overflow