Code designing

Hey I'm looking for someone who will design a code for me to:
*using two arduino boards, take the data from a wii nunchuck into one of the boards put into radio transmitter then send into the reciever of another board where it will controll two servos (pan tilt).

I'm willing to pay for the work.

Reason being is because i have started building a robot for fun and can't find this final code anywhere!

Any help or suggestions please post.


I'm willing to pay for the work.

How much?

How much?

Now that's how the community starts to go downhill... :-/

*using two arduino boards, take the data from a wii nunchuck into one of the boards

There is loads of info on this if you just use a search engine. It requires i2c, through analog pins 4 and 5. You can buy an adaptor (search engine will also tell you that)

put into radio transmitter then send into the reciever of another board

What kind of transmitter and reciever do you have/are going to get or do you want suggestions?
What kind of range do you need?

where it will controll two servos (pan tilt).

There is lots of info on connecting servos. They only require one pin each and the arduino servo library will allow you to do that no problem.

People are quite happy to help but a lot of people are put off helping when people say they are willing to pay. Some people say they will do it and they are often the newer members who do not understand how this forum runs.


Mowcius: I do not think the community will go downhill if someone does not want to code on his own. Obviously there are enough examples out there. So he either lacks the skill or the time or he just has more than enough money.

An interesting question would be how to find a model to make it go uphill even with paid contributions. Have a look at Linux. At lot of Linux contributions today are done by paid developers. So why not for Arduino as well?

If we reject all but "free" work, then this would keep the community unnecessary small. I think what we need is not "free" (like in free beer) but "open" (like in open source). So if someone is willing to pay for contributions to the community, why not? If someone is willing to pay for (closed) software development, who cares?

However I have quite some doubts that he has any clue of what development and design activities might actually cost.


Mowcius: I do not think the community will go downhill if someone does not want to code on his own. Obviously there are enough examples out there. So he either lacks the skill or the time or he just has more than enough money.

The comment was quoting the request of a value rather than the request of code for a possible monetary reward for doing it.

I agree that paid development can be a good thing but for problems such as this, there are many people who are more than willing to help for free and if the person asking for help feels that they want to pay a particually helpful person for their time/work then so be it.

I feel that this community thrives as it is with people happy to help for free. The other issue is that people may agree to pay someone and then find other people have provided them with more information/have been more helpful.

If people are going to offer money then pay someone afterwards. If they do not get the help they require then they may want to say that they are willing to pay.
Most of the time, if you don't get any advice/help on this forum then it is a becuase other people don't know either!

Mowcius :slight_smile:

Hmm, I think got your point.
