Code for 3x Ultrasonic Distance Module US-015 for Arduino Uno

Hey all,
I'm struggling to get the code for the above sensors working all at once. I re-identified each Echo and Trig pin per sensor (F, L and R - Front, Left and Right) and after upload with no errors, nothing appears in the Serial Monitor.
Would anyone mind looking over the code and explaining what I have missed? Thank you.

// Code for Ultrasonic Distance Module US-015

unsigned int EchoPinF = 3;
unsigned int EchoPinL = 5;
unsigned int EchoPinR = 7;
unsigned int TrigPinF = 2;
unsigned int TrigPinL = 4;
unsigned int TrigPinR = 6;

unsigned long Time_Echo_us = 0;

//Len_mm_X100 = length*100

unsigned long Len_mm_X100 = 0;

unsigned long Len_Integer = 0; //

unsigned int Len_Fraction = 0;

void setup()



pinMode(EchoPinF, INPUT);
pinMode(EchoPinL, INPUT);
pinMode(EchoPinR, INPUT);

pinMode(TrigPinF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(TrigPinL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(TrigPinR, OUTPUT);


void loop()


digitalWrite(TrigPinF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TrigPinL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TrigPinR, HIGH);


digitalWrite(TrigPinF, LOW);
digitalWrite(TrigPinL, LOW);
digitalWrite(TrigPinR, LOW);

Time_Echo_us = pulseIn(EchoPinF, HIGH);
Time_Echo_us = pulseIn(EchoPinL, HIGH);
Time_Echo_us = pulseIn(EchoPinR, HIGH);

if((Time_Echo_us < 60000) && (Time_Echo_us > 1))


Len_mm_X100 = (Time_Echo_us*34)/2;

Len_Integer = Len_mm_X100/100;

Len_Fraction = Len_mm_X100%100;

Serial.print("Present Length is: ");

Serial.print(Len_Integer, DEC);


if(Len_Fraction < 10)


Serial.print(Len_Fraction, DEC);




All three transducers are recording pulse durations to the same variable. Each will overwrite the last. To start.

Use code tags when posting.

You cannot use more that one ultrasonic sensor at the same time. They interfere with each other.

Code tags added! Sorry about that.
Thank you for the responses so far.
I was told by my tutor that all three could be used at once and combined. Basically it's to create a devive that can sense in front of me and to both sides. What would be a workaround if he is mistaken?
Any help would be greatly appreciated; I have absolutely zero knowledge on coding and Arduino!

You can't fire off all three echo sensors at the same time. How will each one know which echo it is receiving? They'll each interfere with the others.

I was told by my tutor that all three could be used at once and combined.

Get another tutor. Better yet, follow our advice and educate your tutor.

The sensors must be used sequentially, with sufficient delay between such that all echos from one sensor die away before the other is fired. Usually 30 to 40 milliseconds will suffice.