AAargh !
They’ve developed Fritzing for software !
Does that work?
Hi, @martinheinz
Welcome the forum.
What model Arduino are you using?
What is your code supposed to do?
What does it do at the moment?
Thanks.. Tom...
i am using arduino UNO
it must turn the leds on and off according to the analog values that the sensor throws and keep it in a loop, the digital13 led must remain on until the value is very low
can you convert those s4a blocks to funcional code please?
You will need to tell us on what pins your inputs and outputs are.
A circuit diagram would help and some images of the project so we can see your component layout.
How do you keep the LED ON if it moves out of its track?
Is this a white or black line follower?
pin 10 11 12 13
analog 2
pin13 is led and relay for water pump
void setup()
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if((analogRead(A2) > 2) && (analogRead(A2) < 299))
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
What are the sensors, and what do they have in common with the water pump.
If this is a school project ,please post what the actual project sheet says.
What is your native language?
Thanks.. Tom..
Solved, thank you GolamMostafa
Been around for quite a while, actually. Sometimes even taught to toddlers!
The graphics stuff saves one from having to think or remember much, and of course, from the incredibly laborious, brain-numbing effort of physically typing in mysterious things like "if", "else", "(", ")", "{", etc.
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